TeraFlow: Secured autonomic traffic management for a Tera of SDN flows
TeraFlow creates a new cloud-native SDN controller that will radically advance the state-of-the-art in beyond 5G and 6G networks. It integrates with the current NFV and MEC frameworks as well as to provide revolutionary features for both flow management (service layer) and IP/optical/microwave network equipment integration (infrastructure layer).
The project is coordinated by Dr. Ricard Vilalta (CTTC) and brings together other 13 partners from 8 countries with different areas of expertise for the development of TeraFlow OS and other relevant tasks for experimental implementation and demonstration of prototypes, collaboration with Standard Defining Organisations and Open-source community, 5GPPP, and the definition of a roadmap for the results.
The partners are Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, INFINERA, SIAE Microelettronica, NEC Laboratories, Atos, Telenor, Chalmers University, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NTNU, UBITECH, Peer Stritzinger, Old Dog Consulting and ADVA Optical Networking.

TeraFlow provides a novel SDN controller for B5G networks that evolves network flow management to cloud-scale requirements. It accelerates innovation in transport and IP networks to support telecom operators on the provision of better connectivity.
TeraFlow OS integrates with distributed computing for enabling multi-tenancy and inter-domain connectivity through Transport Network Slices. Service management is automated for transport network slices ensuring a highly scalable infrastructure.
Development of ML-based cybersecurity for protecting the network and infrastructure. Also, a scalable and trustworthy distributed ledger using blockchain mechanisms and smart contracts simplify and secure network management.

During the course of the TeraFlow project (30 months), experimental implementation and demonstration of prototypes will also play an important role in the project, including communication and dissemination activities and strong collaboration with Standard Defining Organizations (ETSI NFV, ZSM, ENI, PDL, IETF, ONF), and open-source software community with dedicated focus on TeraFlow SDN and ETSI OpenSourceMANO.
TeraFlow will also foster strong relationship with other 5GPPP projects through multiple collaboration activities.