CTTC’s goal on producing scientific excellence is accompanied by actions supporting early-stage research fellows to i) gain access to advanced research training within a competitive international environment, ii) expand their research skills and iii) make relevant contributions in the different active research lines carried out in the CTTC’s Research Units.
Post-doc openings are also published under the general Job Openings section. Postdoc fellows generally join CTTC on an external grant or from a direct contract through CTTC’s Job Openings.
Call for expressions of interest for national and international calls are posted below. They include MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships, ICREA, Beatriu Pinós, Ramón y Cajal, Juan de la Cierva, etc.
Expressions of Interest for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024
CTTC welcomes the submission of Expressions of Interest from outstanding researchers to apply for the upcoming Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 on the European Postdoctoral Fellowships modality.
The European Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to researchers of any nationality who wish to engage in R&D projects by either coming to Europe from any country in the world or moving within Europe. The standard duration of these fellowships must be between 12 and 24 months.
This program expects the supported postdoctoral fellows:
- To increase the set of research and transferable skills and competences, leading to improved employability and career prospects of MSCA postdoctoral fellows within academia and beyond;
- New mind-sets and approaches to R&I work forged through international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary experience;
- Enhanced networking and communication capacities with scientific peers, as well as with the general public that will increase and broaden the research and innovation impact.
If you would like to bring your research work to a new level, we offer you state-of-the art research infrastructure and support facilities to develop your research to its full potential. We also offer CTTC’s background and experience in project management and dealing with public funding applications, as well as more than 20 years of Human Resources team helping researchers coming from abroad to settle in Barcelona area and supporting them with administrative and residence processes.
We encourage proposals that align with our research interests from the different research units. They are highlighted at https://www.cttc.cat/research-units/.
If you are a researcher with a robust scientific background enthusiastic to realize an innovative research proposal, contact us at talent@cttc.cat.
If your research proposal is not totally aligned with the Research Unit web description, do not hesitate to send your Expression of Interest (EoI) indicating the Research Unit that would fit best your interest. The level of collaboration and joint involvement among Research Units is very high and highly encouraged.
Our commitment towards our employees is to foster their research and professional development, providing a stimulating and favorable work environment for researchers as ensured by the HRS4R quality award.
More details on what we offer can be found at the Talent section: https://www.cttc.cat/talent/careers/
The EoI is open to candidates of any nationality fulfilling MSCA eligibility and mobility criteria (Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023-2024 – 2-MSCA, page 92): at the date of the call deadline, supported fellows must
- be postdoctoral researchers, that is being in a possession of a doctoral degree and must have a maximum of 8 years full-time equivalent experience in research.
- must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the beneficiary for
- more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the call deadline.