The CTTC was funded with the aim of becoming a world-class international reference center in the development of research in the different technology branches of Telecommunications and Geomatics.
As part of its specific goals, CTTC aims at:
- Facilitating the connection between basic and applied research, acting when appropriate as a technology transfer agent.
- Contributing, through technological improvement and innovation, to the strengthening of the competitiveness of the local industry.

To complement these goals related to technology transfer activities, CTTC strives to promote the creation of spin-offs, either based on the exploitation of technology and knowledge developed through the scientific research activities of CTTC’s own researchers (technology-based companies), or based on business projects promoted by CTTC researchers unrelated to technology or knowledge of the CTTC (start-ups).
In this context, to regulate the procedures for the creation and participation in companies established around the CTTC and promoted by its research staff, the CTTC prepared a normative framework that defines the applicable requirements for the participation of both the CTTC and its research staff in these companies with the greater aim of promoting and facilitating the creation of this type of companies that will ensure the transfer of research results to the productive and social local fabric.

CTTC is now a technology and research partner of its first spin-off, GeoKinesia, a remote sensing company based in Barcelona, Spain.
GeoKinesia developes InSAR technology and InSAR based solutions. Its main focus is automation of the InSAR processing chain as well as predictive solutions based on remote sensing and in situ data.