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SDN-enabled S-BVT for SDM Optical Metro/Regional Networks
2020 International Conference On Optical Network Design And Modeling (ondm). January 2020.
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Tradeoffs in optical packet and circuit transport of fronthaul traffic: The time for SBVT?
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Cost-effective Coherent Systems for Metropolitan Networks
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UABNO: A Cloud-Native Architecture for Optical SDN Controllers
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Network Control and Orchestration in SDM and WDM Optical Networks
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Network Programmability and Automation in Optical Networks
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol 11616 LNCS. pp. 223-234 January 2020.
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Experimental Evaluation of Dynamic Resource Orchestration in Multi-layer (Packet over Flexi-Grid Optical) Networks
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol 11616 LNCS. pp. 261-273 January 2020.
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Upcoming applications driving the design of next-generation metro area networks: Dealing with 5G backhaul/fronthaul and edge-cloud computing
Proceedings of SPIE. Vol 11308. January 2020.
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