Implementation of a GNSS Rebroadcaster in an All-Programmable System-On-Chip Platform
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Fabrication of Vertical MEMS Actuator with Hollow Square Electrode for SPR Sensing Applications
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Microstrip 3-Bit Fractal-based Phase Shifter
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GNSS Software Defined Radio: History, Current Developments, and Standardization Efforts
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GNSS receiver developed on a SDR platform withstands high accelerations and speeds
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January 2022.
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An In-house, Self-developed Low-cost WebGIS Relying on Open-source and Self-made Tools to Show the Active Deformation Areas across Europe
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Power and Bandwidth Allocation based on Age of Information metrics in Satellite Uplink Channels
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Improving Landslide Detection on SAR Data Through Deep Learning
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Towards the Combination of C2RCC Processors for Improving Water Quality Retrieval in Inland and Coastal Areas
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January 2022.
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