
Guest Editorial Introduction to the OFC 2023 Special Issue
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol 42. No. 3. pp. 1003- January 2024.
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Feedback-Based Channel Frequency Optimization in Superchannels
JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Vol 42. No. 13. pp. 4467-4475 January 2024.
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Modulation Format Recognition Scheme Based on Discriminant Network in Coherent Optical Communication System
ELECTRONICS. Vol 13. No. 19. January 2024.
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Electro-Assisted Optical Method of Chirp Compensation for Bandwidth/Bitrate Variable Transceivers Using the Hammerstein-Wiener System
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Attack Identification and Classification in V2X Scenarios
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Asymptotics of Distances Between Sample Covariance Matrices
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Measuring Data Similarity for Efficient Federated Learning: A Feasibility Study
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Consistent Estimation of a Class of Distances Between Covariance Matrices
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY. Vol 70. No. 11. pp. 8107-8132 January 2024.
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