Funding: European
Status: Completed
Advanced Signal and Information Processing (ASIP)
Acronym: NEWCOM#
In a “Theoretical Research” track, the NEWCOM# researchers will pursue long-term, interdisciplinary research on the most advanced aspects of wireless communications like Finding the Ultimate Limits of Communication Networks, Opportunistic and Cooperative Communications, Energy- and Bandwidth-Efficient Communications and Networking. A second track will be devoted to the “EUropean lab of Wireless communications for the future INternet”, a federation of three sites in three European Countries that will host researchers working on a few general themes like Radio Interfaces, Internet of Things, and Flexible Communication Terminals. The third track will have a number of initiatives to foster excellence like the creation of seasonal schools, a series of publication on journals and books, and an action directed towards strengthening relations with European companies, which will participate to the NoE as “Affiliate Partners”, through a number of in-company dissemination events.