End: 04/05/2018
Funding: European, Industrial
Status: Completed
Array and Multi-Sensor Processing (A&MSP)
Acronym: SERP
The future growth of capacity offerings in satellite networks highly depends on the efficient use of scarce system resources, in particular the available frequency spectrum. In this respect, the frequency reuse in multi-beam satellite networks has already created a breakthrough allowing significant increase in the system capacity. Furthermore, theoretical investigations indicate that relaxing the signal orthogonality constraints, for instance in terms of frequency or symbol timing, open up new dimensions in the waveform design that allow for the increase of the achievable rates.
Several on-going and past ESA activities have investigated advanced interference mitigation techniques. Analytical results assuming ideal conditions indicate that substantial increase in the capacity can be obtained. Several interference mitigation techniques have been identified to allow for advanced detection techniques at the receiver in order to remove the interference or detect additional useful information. Preliminary simulations results shows promising enhancement in the system performance. Unlike the conventional transmission schemes where the interference between adjacent transmitted symbols or adjacent carriers are regarded as a source of impairment, in this novel approach the interference is tolerated, thus resulting in higher transmission rates per carrier and/or smaller carrier spacing, which overall improve the spectral efficiency.