GREENET - Initial Training Network for Green Wireless Networks

Start: 01/01/2011
End: 31/12/2014
Funding: European
Status: Completed
Research unit:
Array and Multi-Sensor Processing (A&MSP)
Acronym: GREENET
Call ID: PITN-GA- 2010-264759
Code: 264759

Greenet is an Initial Training Network (ITN) Marie Curie project that is focused on the analysis, design, and optimization of energy efficient wireless communication systems and networks. GREENETtargets the following main objectives:

1. Recruitment of ESRs with the clear and long-term objective to conduct top-notch research and to pursue  research excellence at the national, European, and international levels.

2. Develop training and career plans that are personalized as possible to meet the needs and desires of each ESR.

3. To allow the ESRs to understand and address key research challenges on energy efficient GREENET communications, that form pivotal societal and economic concerns for Europe within the mid-to-long term.

4. Offer to each ESR top-level training and research programs with the twofold objective to reinforce and corroborate their own background, as well as to complement this with active participation in a multi-disciplinary network of research scientists.

5. Complement the typical competences of “applied research” with aspects related to project management, intellectual property rights, writing of patents, presentation and communication skills, writing of technical papers, exploitation of technical results and creation of start-up companies, etc.

6. Guide and help the ESRs to build the bridge from academia to a remarkable and impactful professional career in either the private or public sectors.

Web page of the project:

Christos Verykoukis
PI/Project Leader
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Ana Isabel Pérez-Neira
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