End: 30/09/2023
Funding: National
Status: Completed
Adaptive Processing Technologies (ADAPT)
Call ID: PCI2020-112049
Code: PCI2020-112049
Progressus supports the European climate targets for 2030 by proposing a smart charging infrastructure for e-mobility that integrates seamlessly into the already existing concepts of smart-grid architectures keeping additional investments minimal. The expected high-power requirements for ultra fast e-mobility charging stations lead to special challenges for designing and establishing an intelligent charge-infrastructure. As emission free traffic concepts are a nascent economic topic also the efficient use of charging infrastructure is still in its infancy. Thus, novel sensor types, hardware security modules, inexpensive high bandwidth technologies and block-chain technology as part of an independent, extendable charging energy-management and customer platform are researched for a charging-station energy-microgrid. The communication and management concept are complemented by new efficient high-power voltage converters, which support bidirectional power flow and provide a new type of highly economical charging stations with an integrated metering platform to locally monitor the grid state. The stations are intended to exploit the grid infrastructure via broadband power-line as communication medium, removing the need for costly civil engineering activities. Smart-Contracts via block-chain offer a distributed framework for the proposed energy management and services platform. This is highly advantageous as it requires neither a dedicated IT infrastructure nor a permantly active internet uplink. Furthermore hardware security hardens the concept against direct physical attacks such as infiltration of the network by gaining access to the encryption key material even when a charging station is compromised. Progressus solutions are estimated to enable a carbon dioxide saving of 800.000 tons per year for only Germany, will secure the competitiveness of European industry and research by extending the system know how and will thus safeguard employment and production in Europe.
This project has received funding from the Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 876868. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Slovakia.”