End: 31/03/2024
Funding: European
Status: Completed
Geomatics (GM)
Acronym: RASTOOL
Code: UCPM-2021-PP-CBR
The project aims to be a step forward on the ground motion hazards management addressing the following issues:
(a) Relative limited knowledge on active ground motion in cross border regions. National and regional projects based on satellite interferometry exist, but the cross border dimension is not addressed. Thus, there is a real need for good practices and tools usable by different national entities of border countries. RASTOOL will provide users with easy-to-use tools able to generate derived products ready to be implemented in Civil Protection practices.
(b) Limited knowledge and trust of Civil Protection authorities – and risk management entities in general – of satellite interferometric products. InSAR data are more and more used, but the level of knowledge and trust of stakeholders is not comparable yet with other remote sensing resources. RASTOOL is designed to bridge this gap and to demonstrate, primary to Civil Protection authorities, that the interferometric products can have a real impact on every-day activities and are not a pure ground motion estimation. (c) The involvement of end users is a fundamental part of RASTOOL. The project will try to construct a continuous collaboration with stakeholders and end users; this intention is testified by the presence of civil protection authorities and national geological surveys as active part of the project. User needs will be defined at the start of the project with the collaboration of the involved stakeholders and then re-evaluated at different stages of the project. A final gap analysis will demonstrate if the project accomplished to the largest number of requirements.