End: 31/08/2023
Funding: European
Status: Completed
Geomatics (GM)
Acronym: DARLENE
Call ID: H2022-SU-SEC-2018-2019-2020
Code: 883297
DARLENE aims to investigate means by which AR can be deployed in real time to aid in LEA decision-making by employing AR capabilities and combining them with powerful ML algorithms, sensor information fusion techniques, 3D reconstruction, wearable technology and personalized context-aware recommendations. Hence DARLENE will offer European LEAs a proactive security solution which will provide an IoT level of Situational Awareness, detection and recognition, combining cutting edge technology and public security in all security verticals.
It will enable LEAs to reduce and prevent crime, and to more quickly respond to crimes already in progress, by enabling them to sort through massive volumes of data to predict, anticipate and prevent criminal activities, make better informed tactical decisions and provide enhanced protection services for European citizens. DARLENE will therefore develop practical and beneficial policing applications through the use of affordable, light-weight and inconspicuous AR glasses. Such applications will capitalize on cutting edge research that will combine with AR Technology to create innovative methods for combating crime and even terrorist acts.
To align technology development with actual security needs and requirements, DARLENE will build a community of LEAs organization and security stakeholders that will guide the development process and evaluate the entire DARLENE ecosystem. In this regard, DARLENE foresees extensive demonstration and training activities for LEAs while the entire solution will be demonstrated and validated in realistic scenarios during the pilot phase of the project, thus paving the way to its field deployment and commercial uptake.