Start: 29/09/2023
End: 29/03/2025
Funding: National, Industrial
Status: On going
End: 29/03/2025
Funding: National, Industrial
Status: On going
Research unit:
Information and signal processing for intelligent communications (ISPIC)
Acronym: EterComp
Call ID: BBVA Becas Leonardo 2023
Information and signal processing for intelligent communications (ISPIC)
Acronym: EterComp
Call ID: BBVA Becas Leonardo 2023
In the context of wireless data aggregation, network coding, or federated learning, over-the-air computation is a new distributed computation and communication paradigm that exploits the superposition principle of electromagnetic waves by letting signal addition be performed directly over the wireless medium in the analog domain, instead of by post-processing in the digital domain. To mitigate inaccuracies of this analog operation, the EterComp project investigates coding techniques to make distributed over-the-air computation more reliable.
Adriano Pastore
PI/Project Leader
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