End: 22/11/2018
Funding: European, Industrial
Status: Completed
Optical Networks & Systems (ONS)
Acronym: ETSI_GANA
What we do
ETSI GS AFI 002 specifies a generic architectural model for the management & control of autonomic networks, known as the Generic Autonomic Network Architecture (GANA).
The first phase of STF501 has developed a Technical Report on the instantiation of the GANA model on the mobile backhaul and core networks deployed as per 3GPP Architecture specifications.
The objective of this second phase of STF 501, is to cover fixed broadband access and aggregation networks deployed as per the Broadband Forum (BBF) Architecture specifications.
To perform the instantiation, the STF will not only take into account already published specifications by 3GPP and BBF but also their ongoing work on the application of the emerging paradigms such as SDN and NFV to these networks.
Why we do it
Autonomic Networks will allow reduction of OPEX for network operators and enterprises, reduction of complexity in the management of networks and services, and enable innovation and faster time-to-market for services, while also enabling manufacturers and OSS vendors to offer new products that embed the so-called “autonomic functions”.
A first standardization step was done with the publication of the ETSI NTECH GANA model. The market is expecting guidance helping the industry to instantiate and implement GANA standard in order to be considered in their product lines and roadmaps and in commercial products and solutions, later on. This helps them to get prepared for deployment purpose.
In this work our target is to instantiate the GANA model onto a set of representative well-known reference architectures. Following the STF 501 Phase 1 results, we aim at the coverage of fixed broadband access and aggregation networks deployment according to the Broadband Forum (BBF) Architecture specifications. In this context, the instantiation of GANA onto the BBF architecture will be addressed, as well as the instantiation onto virtualized BBF with SDN and finally the interworking between GANA- BBF and GANA-3GPP (Core Network) in terms of autonomic functions in the two domains.