KINESIA2 - Advanced products based on the European Ground Motion Service

Start: 11/07/2022
End: 30/09/2023
Funding: Catalan, Industrial
Status: Completed
Research unit:
Geomatics (GM)
Acronym: KINESIA2
Code: 2022-06-30

The objective of this project is implementing three Webmap applications based on the free results of the European Ground Motion Service ( The project includes three work packages:

• Active Deformation Areas (ADAs); This represents a set of clusters of deformation points.

• Terrain Differential Deformations (TDD); This parameter measures the gradient of the terrain deformations.

• Building Differential Deformations (BDD); This parameter measures the gradient of the deformations that affect building and infrastructures.

The key elements of the PROJECT include (i) Data production; (ii) Data visualization, the software that shows the product on the web; (iii) a server; and (iv) the documentation concerning software tools, workflow and backup.

Michele Crosetto
PI/Project Leader
José Antonio Navarro
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