Xavier Mestre

Xavi Mestre | CTTC

Information and signal processing for intelligent communications (ISPIC)

Scientific Coordinator

Phd , Researcher

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00

Xavier Mestre is currently a Research Director (R4) at CTTC.

He received the MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in 1997 and 2002 respectively and the licenciate (5 year) degree in Mathematics in 2011. During the pursuit of his PhD, he was recipient of a 1998-2001 PhD scholarship (granted by the Catalan Government) and was awarded the 2002 Rosina Ribalta second prize for the best doctoral thesis project within areas of Information Technologies and Communications by the Epson Iberica foundation.

From January 1998 to December 2002, he was with UPC’s Communications Signal Processing Group, where he worked as a Research Assistant (1998-2000) and Research Associate (2001-2002) and participated actively in several European-funded projects (ACTS Sumbeam, IST METRA, IST I-METRA and MEDEA+ UNILAN) as well as several national projects. In January 2003 he joined the Telecommunications Technological Center of Catalonia (CTTC), where he currently holds a position as a Senior Research Associate. During this time, he has actively participated in 12 European projects, four times as Principal Investigator (PI): H2020 Windmill (PI), FP7 EMPhAtiC (PI), CELTIC SAN (PI), FP6 COOPCOM (PI), H2020 FANTASTIC-5G, FP7 Advantage, FP7 NEWCOM#, FP7 NEWCOM++, FP6 ACE 2, IST ACE, IST Newcom, MEDEA+ Marquis. In particular, he was the project coordinator of the European ICT project EMPhAtiC (2012-15). He has participated in 5 industrial contracts, four times as a PI, namely: Upstart (PI), Radpark (PI), MUMO (PI), MUMO 2 (PI) and MUMIMO PLC. The results of some of these contracts have been developed into commercialized products. He has participated in two ESA contracts (Coupled ETC, MIMO-SAT) and 7 projects funded by the Spanish Government (as PI in three of them): 5G-Lab (PI), TEC GRE3N (PI), TEC FBMC-SILAN (PI), TEC Elisa, CENIT ENERGOS, CENIT GAD, Mercure. He is author of three granted patents owned by CTTC and one patent owned by Huawei Technologies. He is author of 66 deliverables and technical reports, as well as two industrial white papers. He has been PI of four fellowships to the Consolidated Research Groups granted by the Catalan Government (SGR), years 2017, 2014, 2009 and 2005. Since 2017 he has been adjunct lecturer at the Engineering Department of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

From the scientific point of view, he has edited a book published by Elsevier and is author of 9 book chapters, 48 international journal papers and more than 105 articles in international conferences. He is co-author of the 2020 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Best Paper Award and the 2016 IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing Best Student Paper Award. He has advised 5 PhD thesis (two still ongoing), funded by grants given by the Spanish Government (1), the Catalan Government (2) and the European Commission (2). He has been invited to give 10 keynote talks on topics of his own research at several international research institutes and Universities. He has organized four special sessions and chaired more than 10 technical sessions in international conferences.

He has been Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing for two terms (2008-11, 2015-2019), Senior Area Editor of the same journal (2019-present) and associate co-editor of the special issue on at the EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. He is IEEE Senior member and elected member of the IEEE Sensor Array and Multi-channel Signal Processing Technical Committee (2013-2018), the IEEE Signal Processing Theory and Methods Technical Committee (2019-present), the EURASIP Technical Area Committee on Signal Processing in Communications (2018-present) and the EURASIP Technical Area Committee on Theoretical and Methodological Trends in Signal Processing (2015-present). Since 2019 where he is also vice-chair of this last Technical Area Committee. He has been regular member of the evaluation committee of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education, the Catalan Department of Research and Universities (AGAUR), the Agence National de la Recherche (ANR, France) and several universities (Instituto de Telecomunicações, Université Paris Saclay).

He has participated in the organization of multiple conferences and scientific events, such as the “IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2018″ (general vice-chair), the “IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications” (technical chair), the “European Wireless 2014″ (general co-chair), the “European Signal Processing Conference 2011″ (general technical chair), the “IEEE Winter School on Information Theory” 2011 (general co-chair), the “Summer School on Random Matrix Theory for Wireless Communications” 2006 (general chair). He was general chair of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2020 and will also be general chair of the 2026 edition of this conference.

SAN - SAN TSI-020400-2011-18
On Noncoherent FSK Reception With Doppler Frequency Uncertainty for Space Communications
IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 42. No. 5. pp. 1292-1303 January 2024.
Gomez-Vilardebo J., Mestre X., Navarro M., Quintanilla J.
10.1109/JSAC.2024.3365881 Google Scholar
Asymptotics of Distances Between Sample Covariance Matrices
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 72. pp. 1460-1474 January 2024.
Pereira R., Mestre X., Gregoratti D.
10.1109/TSP.2024.3368771 Google Scholar
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. pp. 9026-9030 January 2024.
Peschiera E., Mestre X., Rottenberg F.
10.1109/ICASSP48485.2024.10445855 Google Scholar
Near-Field Beamfocusing with Polarized Antennas
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. January 2024.
Agustin A., Mestre X.
10.1109/WCNC57260.2024.10571220 Google Scholar
Consistent Estimation of a Class of Distances Between Covariance Matrices
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY. Vol. 70. No. 11. pp. 8107-8132 January 2024.
Pereira R., Mestre X., Gregoratti D.
10.1109/TIT.2024.3464678 Google Scholar
Statistical Framework for Clustering MU-MIMO Wireless via Second Order Statistics
. January 2024.
Pereira R., Mestre X.
10.1109/ISWCS61526.2024.10639079 Google Scholar
Deterministic Equivalent of the Log-Euclidean Distance between Sample Covariance Matrices
. pp. 1207-1211 January 2024.
Mestre X., Pereira R.
10.23919/eusipco63174.2024.10715189 Google Scholar
Capacity of Noncoherent FSK with Doppler Frequency Uncertainty
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings. Vol. 2023-June. pp. 2338-2343 January 2023.
Gómez-Vilardebó J., Mestre X., Navarro M., Quintanilla J.
10.1109/ISIT54713.2023.10206962 Google Scholar
Shallow Neural Networks for Channel Estimation in Multi-Antenna Systems
Ieee Infocom 2023 - Conference On Computer Communications Workshops, Infocom Wkshps 2023. January 2023.
Kumar D.R., Antón-Haro C., Mestre X.
10.1109/INFOCOMWKSHPS57453.2023.10225983 Google Scholar
Deep Unfolding for Fast Linear Massive MIMO Precoders under a PA Consumption Model
Ieee Vehicular Technology Conference Proceedings. January 2023.
Feys, T, Mestre, X, Peschiera, E, Rottenberg, F
10.1109/VTC2023-Spring57618.2023.10200850 Google Scholar
Consistent Estimators of a New Class of Covariance Matrix Distances in the Large Dimensional Regime
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. January 2023.
Pereira R., Mestre X., Gregoratti D.
10.1109/ICASSP49357.2023.10096831 Google Scholar
Self-Supervised Learning of Linear Precoders under Non-Linear PA Distortion for Energy-Efficient Massive MIMO Systems
. pp. 6367-6372 January 2023.
Feys, T, Mestre, X, Rottenberg, F
10.1109/ICC45041.2023.10279810 Google Scholar
RS-Net: Neural Network-Enhanced Receivers for MIMO Rate Splitting Multiple Access
2023 Ieee Globecom Workshops, Gc Wkshps 2023. pp. 1964-1969 January 2023.
Kumar D.R., Antón-Haro C., Mestre X.
10.1109/GCWkshps58843.2023.10464670 Google Scholar
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. Vol. 2022-May. pp. 5712-5716 January 2022.
Pereira, R, Mestre, X, Gregoratti, D
10.1109/ICASSP43922.2022.9747627 Google Scholar
On the asymptotic behavior of the eigenvalue distribution of block correlation matrices of high-dimensional time series
Loubaton P., Mestre X.
10.1142/S2010326322500241 Google Scholar
Probability of Resolution of MUSIC and g-MUSIC: An Asymptotic Approach
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 70. pp. 3566-3581 January 2022.
Schenck D., Mestre X., Pesavento M.
10.1109/TSP.2022.3178820 Google Scholar
Beam Aware Stochastic Multihop Routing for Flying Ad-hoc Networks
2022 Ieee International Conference On Communications Workshops, Icc Workshops 2022. pp. 1065-1070 January 2022.
Deshpande A.A., Zanella A., Pereira R., Pastore A., Mestre X., Chiariotti F.
10.1109/ICCWorkshops53468.2022.9814607 Google Scholar
Non-Coherent Receiver Design for MFSK Modulations in Deep Space Missions
2022 9th International Workshop On Tracking, Telemetry And Command Systems For Space Applications, Ttc 2022. January 2022.
Gomez-Vilardebo J., Mestre X., Navarro M., Sevillano J.F., Abello R., Quintanilla J.
10.1109/TTC55771.2022.9975783 Google Scholar
Non-coherent Receivers for Low Data Rate Transmissions under Weak Solar Scintillation
2022 9th International Workshop On Tracking, Telemetry And Command Systems For Space Applications, Ttc 2022. January 2022.
Mestre X., Gomez J., Navarro M., Sevillano J.F., Abello R., Quintanilla J.
10.1109/TTC55771.2022.9975789 Google Scholar
IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing. January 2022.
Vaca-Rubio, CJ, Pereira, R, Mestre, X, Gregoratti, D, Tan, ZH, de Carvalho, E, Popovski, P
10.1109/MLSP55214.2022.9943430 Google Scholar
User Clustering for Rate Splitting using Machine Learning
European Signal Processing Conference. pp. 722-726 January 2022.
Pereira, R, Deshpande, AA, Vaca-Rubio, CJ, Mestre, X, Zanella, A, Gregoratti, D, de Carvalho, E, Popovski, P
Google Scholar
Beam Aware Stochastic Multihop Routing for Flying Ad-hoc Networks
Ieee International Conference On Communications Workshops. pp. 1065-1070 January 2022.
Deshpande, AA, Zanella, A, Pereira, R, Pastore, A, Mestre, X, Chiariotti, F
Google Scholar
Machine Learning-enabled NOMA Strategies for IoT Networks
2021 Ieee Wireless Communications And Networking Conference Workshops, Wcncw 2021. March 2021.
A. de Jonghe, Antón-Haro, Carles, Mestre, Xavier, L. Cardoso
Google Scholar
Probability of resolution of partially relaxed deterministic maximum likelihood: An asymptotic approach
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 69. pp. 852-866 January 2021.
Schenck, D, Mestre, X, Pesavento, M
10.1109/TSP.2020.2993990 Google Scholar
On the Detection of Low-Rank Signal in the Presence of Spatially Uncorrelated Noise: A Frequency Domain Approach
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 69. pp. 4458-4473 January 2021.
Rosuel, A, Vallet, P, Loubaton, P, Mestre, X
10.1109/TSP.2021.3099644 Google Scholar
Asymptotic spectral behavior of kernel matrices in complex valued observations
2021 Ieee Data Science And Learning Workshop (dslw). January 2021.
Mestre, X, Pereira, R, Gregoratti, D
10.1109/DSLW51110.2021.9523410 Google Scholar
2021 Ieee International Conference On Acoustics, Speech And Signal Processing (icassp 2021). pp. 4360-4364 January 2021.
Schenck, D, Mestre, X, Pesavento, M
10.1109/ICASSP39728.2021.9414025 Google Scholar
Testing Uncorrelation of Multi-Antenna Signals Using Linear Spectral Statistics of the Spatio-Temporal Sample Autocorrelation Matrix
2021 Ieee Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (ssp). Vol. 2021-July. pp. 201-205 January 2021.
Loubaton, P, Mestre, X
10.1109/SSP49050.2021.9513815 Google Scholar
Subspace Based Hierarchical Channel Clustering in Massive MIMO
2021 Ieee Globecom Workshops, Gc Wkshps 2021 - Proceedings. January 2021.
Pereira R., Mestre X., Gregoratti D.
10.1109/GCWkshps52748.2021.9682075 Google Scholar
Deep learning-based user clustering for MIMO-NoMA networks
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. Vol. 2021-March. January 2021.
Dejonghe, A, Anton-Haro, C, Mestre, X, Cardoso, L, Goursaud, C
10.1109/WCNC49053.2021.9417426 Google Scholar
Model-Aware Collision Resolution for High-Order Orthogonal Modulations
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. Vol. 9. No. 7. pp. 957-961 July 2020.
Gregoratti, D, Mestre, X, Vilajosana, X
10.1109/LWC.2020.2975794 Google Scholar
On the Frequency Domain Detection of High Dimensional Time Series
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. Vol. 2020-May. pp. 8782-8786 January 2020.
Rosuel, A., Vallet, P., Loubaton, P., Mestre, X.
10.1109/ICASSP40776.2020.9053813 Google Scholar
On the resolution probability of conditional and unconditional maximum likelihood doa estimation
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 68. pp. 4656-4671 January 2020.
Mestre, X, Vallet, P
10.1109/TSP.2020.3015046 Google Scholar
A Green ICASSP 2020 in Virtual Barcelona
IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE. Vol. 37. No. 5. pp. 146-151 January 2020.
Perez-Neira, A, Mestre, X
10.1109/MSP.2020.3002515 Google Scholar
Equalization of OFDM waveforms with insufficient cyclic prefix
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. Vol. 2020-May. pp. 5085-5089 January 2020.
Gregoratti, David, Mestre, Xavier
10.1109/ICASSP40776.2020.9054625 Google Scholar
Asymptotic Stochastic Analysis of Partially Relaxed DML
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. Vol. 2020-May. pp. 4920-4924 January 2020.
Schenck, David, Mestre, Xavier, Pesavento, Marius
10.1109/ICASSP40776.2020.9053259 Google Scholar
Optimum Performance of Short Block Length Codes under Multivariate Stationary Rayleigh Fading
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 19. No. 3. pp. 2122-2136 January 2020.
Mestre, X, Gregoratti, D, Zhang, P
10.1109/TWC.2019.2962765 Google Scholar
User Clustering for MIMO NOMA via Classifier Chains and Gradient-Boosting Decision Trees
IEEE Access. Vol. 8. pp. 211411-211421 January 2020.
Issaid, C.B., Anton-Haro, C., Mestre, X, Alouini M.-S.
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3038490 Google Scholar
Ieee Global Communications Conference. January 2020.
Anton-Haro, Caries, Mestre, Xavier
10.1109/GLOBECOM42002.2020.9322073 Google Scholar
Data-driven Beam Selection for mmWave Communications with Machine and Deep Learning:an Angle of Arrival-based Approach
IEEE Access. February 2019.
C. Antón-Haro, X. Mestre
Google Scholar
Efficient Equalization of Time-Varying Channels in MIMO OFDM Systems
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 67. No. 21. pp. 5583-5595 January 2019.
Rottenberg, F, Mestre, X, Horlin, F, Louveaux, J
10.1109/TSP.2019.2943257 Google Scholar
Learning and Data-Driven Beam Selection for mmWave Communications: An Angle of Arrival-Based Approach
IEEE Access. Vol. 7. pp. 20404-20415 January 2019.
Anton-Haro, C, Mestre, X
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2895594 Google Scholar
Detection of Row-sparse Matrices with Row-structure Constraints
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. Vol. 2019-May. pp. 7515-7519 January 2019.
Gregoratti, D, Buelga, C, Mestre, X
10.1109/ICASSP.2019.8683233 Google Scholar
Probability of Resolution of Partially Relaxed DML an Asymptotic Approach
2019 Ieee 8th International Workshop On Computational Advances In Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (camsap 2019). pp. 410-414 January 2019.
Schenck, D, Mestre, X, Pesavento, M
10.1109/CAMSAP45676.2019.9022659 Google Scholar
Atomic norms in group sliding sparse recovery
European Signal Processing Conference. Vol. 2019-September. January 2019.
Sanchez C.B., Gregoratti D., Mestre X.
10.23919/EUSIPCO.2019.8902657 Google Scholar
Full covariance fitting DOA estimation using partial relaxation framework
European Signal Processing Conference. Vol. 2019-September. January 2019.
Schenck D., Hoang M.T., Mestre X., Viberg M., Pesavento M.
10.23919/EUSIPCO.2019.8902758 Google Scholar
Maximum-likelihood detection of impulsive noise support for channel parameter estimation
European Signal Processing Conference. Vol. 2019-September. January 2019.
Mestre X., Payaró M., Shrestha D.
10.23919/EUSIPCO.2019.8902843 Google Scholar
Short Block Length Transmissions under Multi-Variate Stationary Rayleigh Fading
Ieee Workshop On Signal Processing Advances In Wireless Communications, Spawc. Vol. 2019-July. January 2019.
Mestre X., Gregoratti D., Zhang P.P.
10.1109/SPAWC.2019.8815504 Google Scholar
Data-driven Beam Selection for mmWave Communications with Machine and Deep Learning: an Angle of Arrival-based Approach
Ieee International Conference On Communications Workshops. January 2019.
Anton-Haro, C, Mestre, X
10.1109/iccw.2019.8756991 Google Scholar
Performance Analysis of Linear Receivers for Uplink Massive MIMO FBMC-OQAM Systems
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 66. No. 3. pp. 830-842 February 2018.
Rottenberg, F, Mestre, X, Horlin, F, Louveaux, J
10.1109/TSP.2017.2778682 Google Scholar
On channel estimation for power line communication systems in the presence of impulsive noise
COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Vol. 72. pp. 406-419 January 2018.
Shrestha D., Mestre X., Payaró M.
10.1016/j.compeleceng.2018.10.006 Google Scholar
Parallel Equalization Structure for MIMO FBMC-OQAM Systems Under Strong Time and Frequency Selectivity
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 65. No. 17. pp. 4454-4467 September 2017.
Rottenberg, F, Mestre, X, Petrov, D, Horlin, F, Louveaux, J
10.1109/TSP.2017.2711534 Google Scholar
Correlation Tests and Linear Spectral Statistics of the Sample Correlation Matrix
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY. Vol. 63. No. 7. pp. 4585-4618 July 2017.
Mestre X., Vallet P.
10.1109/TIT.2017.2689780 Google Scholar
Single-Tap Precoders and Decoders for Multiuser MIMO FBMC-OQAM Under Strong Channel Frequency Selectivity
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 65. No. 3. pp. 587-600 February 2017.
Rottenberg, F, Mestre, X, Horlin, F, Louveaux, J
10.1109/TSP.2016.2621722 Google Scholar
The 5G candidate waveform race: a comparison of complexity and performance
Gerzaguet R., Bartzoudis N., Baltar L.G., Berg V., Doré J.-B., Kténas D., Font-Bach O., Mestre X., Payaró M., Färber M., Roth K.
10.1186/s13638-016-0792-0 Google Scholar
Downlink Scheduling and Resource Allocation for 5G MIMO-Multicarrier: OFDM vs FBMC/OQAM
IEEE Access. Vol. 5. pp. 13770-13786 January 2017.
Femenias, G, Riera-Palou, F, Mestre, X, Olmos, JJ
10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2729599 Google Scholar
Single-tap equalizer for MIMO FBMC systems under doubly selective channels
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. pp. 3784-3788 January 2017.
Rottenberg, F, Mestre, X, Horlin, F, Louveaux, J
10.1109/ICASSP.2017.7952864 Google Scholar
Maximum-likelihood channel estimation in presence of impulsive noise for PLC systems
2016 Ieee Global Conference On Signal And Information Processing, Globalsip 2016 - Proceedings. pp. 20-24 January 2017.
Shrestha D., Mestre X., Payaró M.
10.1109/GlobalSIP.2016.7905795 Google Scholar
Spectral convergence of large block-hankel gaussian random matrices
Trends in Mathematics. pp. 247-280 January 2017.
Loubaton P., Mestre X.
10.1007/978-3-319-62362-7_10 Google Scholar
Spectral Convergence of Large Block-Hankel Gaussian Random Matrices
Advances in Complex Analysis and Operator Theory. Festschrift in honor of Daniel Alpay’s 60th birthday. January 2017.
P. Loubaton, X. Mestre
Google Scholar
Evaluation of IR-HARQ Schemes in FBMC/OQAM Systems with Imperfect CSIR
European Conference On Networks And Communications. January 2017.
Caus, M, Navarro, M, Mestre, X, Pérez-Neira, A, Femenias, G, Riera-Palou, F
Google Scholar
MIMO-FBMC Receivers
Orthogonal Waveforms And Filter Banks For Future Communication Systems. pp. 375-406 January 2017.
Kofidis, E, Renfors, M, Louveaux, J, Mestre, X, Gregoratti, D, Le Ruyet, D, Zakaria, R
10.1016/B978-0-12-810384-5.00014-1 Google Scholar
FBMC Channel Estimation Techniques
Orthogonal Waveforms And Filter Banks For Future Communication Systems. pp. 257-297 January 2017.
Kofidis, E, Baltar, LG, Mestre, X, Bader, F, Savaux, V
10.1016/B978-0-12-810384-5.00011-6 Google Scholar
MIMO-FBMC Transceivers
Orthogonal Waveforms And Filter Banks For Future Communication Systems. pp. 341-374 January 2017.
Caus, M, Mestre, X, Gregoratti, D, Pérez-Neira, AI, Haardt, M, Cheng, Y, Baltar, LG
10.1016/B978-0-12-810384-5.00013-X Google Scholar
Real-Time Implementation and Experimental Validation of a DL FBMC System
Orthogonal Waveforms And Filter Banks For Future Communication Systems. pp. 513-546 January 2017.
Font-Bach, O, Bartzoudis, N, Bueno, DL, Mestre, X, Mège, P, Martinod, L, Myrvoll, TA, Ringset, V
10.1016/B978-0-12-810384-5.00020-7 Google Scholar
FBMC Over Frequency Selective Channels
Orthogonal Waveforms And Filter Banks For Future Communication Systems. pp. 199-219 January 2017.
Gregoratti, D, Mestre, X
10.1016/B978-0-12-810384-5.00009-8 Google Scholar
Evaluation of IR-HARQ schemes in FBMC/OQAM systems with imperfect CSIR
2017 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). January 2017.
Caus M., Navarro M., Mestre X., Perez-Neira A., Femenias G., Riera-Palou F.
10.1109/EuCNC.2017.7980685 Google Scholar
Orthogonal Waveforms and Filter Banks for Future Communication Systems
Orthogonal Waveforms And Filter Banks For Future Communication Systems. pp. 1-561 January 2017.
Renfors M., Mestre X., Kofidis E., Bader F.
Google Scholar
Parallelized Structures for MIMO FBMC Under Strong Channel Frequency Selectivity (vol 64, pg 1200, 2016)
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 64. No. 17. pp. 4644-4644 September 2016.
Mestre, X, Gregoratti, D
10.1109/TSP.2016.2590738 Google Scholar
MIMO signal processing in offset-QAM based filter bank multicarrier systems
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 64. No. 21. pp. 5733-5762 January 2016.
Perez-Neira, AI, Caus, M, Zakaria, R, Le Ruyet, D, Kofidis, E, Haardt, M, Mestre, X, Cheng, Y
10.1109/TSP.2016.2580535 Google Scholar
Link adaptation in FBMC/OQAM systems using NB-LDPC codes
2016 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). pp. 11-15 January 2016.
Caus, M, Navarro, M, Mestre, X, Perez-Neira, A
10.1109/EuCNC.2016.7560995 Google Scholar
Pilot-based channel estimation for FBMC/OQAM systems under strong frequency selectivity
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. Vol. 2016-May. pp. 3696-3700 January 2016.
Mestre, X, Kofidis, E
10.1109/ICASSP.2016.7472367 Google Scholar
Linear receivers for massive MIMO FBMC/OQAM under strong channel frequency selectivity
2016 Ieee Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (ssp). Vol. 2016-August. January 2016.
Mestre, X, Rottenberg, F, Navarro, M
10.1109/SSP.2016.7551723 Google Scholar
On the statistical performance of music for distributed sources
2016 Ieee Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (ssp). Vol. 2016-August. January 2016.
Najim, O, Vallet, P, Ferre, G, Mestre, X
10.1109/SSP.2016.7551724 Google Scholar
Optimal zero forcing precoder and decoder design for multi-user MIMO FBMC under strong channel selectivity
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. Vol. 2016-May. pp. 3541-3545 January 2016.
Rottenberg, F, Mestre, X, Louveaux, J
10.1109/ICASSP.2016.7472336 Google Scholar
Une méthode MUSIC adaptée aux grands réseaux de capteurs
Traitement du Signal. Vol. 33. No. 2-3. pp. 223-248 January 2016.
Vallet, P, Loubaton, P, Mestre, X
10.3166/TS.33.249-272 Google Scholar
Uplink FBMC/OQAM-Based Multiple Access Channel: Distortion Analysis under Strong Frequency Selectivity
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 64. No. 16. pp. 4260-4272 January 2016.
Gregoratti, D, Mestre, X
10.1109/TSP.2016.2566601 Google Scholar
Parallelized Structures for MIMO FBMC Under Strong Channel Frequency Selectivity
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 64. No. 5. pp. 1200-1215 January 2016.
Mestre, X, Gregoratti, D
10.1109/TSP.2015.2493988 Google Scholar
Simultaneous Cancellation of Narrow Band Interference and Impulsive Noise in PLC Systems
International Conference On Smart Grid Communications. January 2016.
Shrestha, D, Tonello, A, Mestre, X, Payaro, M
Google Scholar
Asynchronous impulsive noise mitigation based on subspace support estimation for PLC systems
2016 International Symposium On Power Line Communications And Its Applications (isplc). pp. 1-6 January 2016.
Shrestha, D, Mestre, X, Payaro, M
10.1109/ISPLC.2016.7476266 Google Scholar
Simultaneous cancellation of narrow band interference and impulsive noise in PLC systems
2016 Ieee International Conference On Smart Grid Communications (smartgridcomm). pp. 326-331 January 2016.
Shrestha D., Tonello A., Mestre X., Payaro M.
10.1109/SmartGridComm.2016.7778782 Google Scholar
Ieee Global Conference On Signal And Information Processing. pp. 20-24 January 2016.
Shrestha, D, Mestre, X, Payaro, M
Google Scholar
Une méthode MUSIC adaptée aux grands réseaux de capteurs
Traitement du Signal. Vol. 33. No. 2. January 2016.
P.Vallet, P. Loubaton, X. Mestre
Google Scholar
When SDR meets a 5G candidate waveform: providing efficient use of fragmented spectrum and interference protection for PMR networks
IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 22. No. 6. pp. 56-66 December 2015.
O. Font-Bach, N. Bartzoudis, X. Mestre, D. López-Bueno, P. Mege, L. Martinod, V. Ringset, T. André Myrvoll
Google Scholar
A CLT for an improved subspace estimator with observations of increasing dimensions
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. Vol. 63. No. 23. pp. 6407-6422 December 2015.
P.Vallet, X. Mestre, P. Loubaton
Google Scholar
Performance Analysis of an Improved MUSIC DoA Estimator
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 63. No. 23. pp. 6407-6422 January 2015.
Vallet, P, Mestre, X, Loubaton, P
10.1109/TSP.2015.2465302 Google Scholar
When SDR meets a 5G candidate waveform: Agile use of fragmented spectrum and interference protection in PMR networks
IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 22. No. 6. pp. 56-66 January 2015.
Font-Bach, O, Bartzoudis, N, Mestre, X, Lopez-Bueno, D, Mege, P, Martinod, L, Ringset, V, Myrvoll, TA
10.1109/MWC.2015.7368825 Google Scholar
Distortion Analysis in OQAM/FBMC-based OFDMA
Ieee International Workshop On Signal Processing Advances In Wireless Communications. pp. 311-315 January 2015.
Gregoratti, D, Mestre, X
Google Scholar
European Signal Processing Conference. pp. 504-508 January 2015.
Mestre, X, Vallet, P
Google Scholar
Asymptotic analysis of linear spectral statistics of the sample coherence matrix
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. Vol. 2015-August. pp. 5679-5683 January 2015.
Mestre, X, Vallet, P, Hachem, W
10.1109/ICASSP.2015.7179059 Google Scholar
Eigenvector precoding for FBMC modulations under strong channel frequency selectivity
IEEE International Conference on Communications. Vol. 2015-September. pp. 4769-4774 January 2015.
Mestre, X, Gregoratti, D
10.1109/ICC.2015.7249077 Google Scholar
A statistical comparison between music and G-music
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. Vol. 2015-August. pp. 2829-2833 January 2015.
Vallet, P, Loubaton, P, Mestre, X
10.1109/ICASSP.2015.7178487 Google Scholar
Distortion analysis in OQAM/FBMC-based OFDMA
Ieee Workshop On Signal Processing Advances In Wireless Communications, Spawc. Vol. 2015-August. pp. 311-315 January 2015.
Gregoratti D., Mestre X.
10.1109/SPAWC.2015.7227050 Google Scholar
Extended GLRT detectors of correlation and sphericity: The undersampled regime
2015 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (eusipco). pp. 504-508 January 2015.
Mestre X., Vallet P.
10.1109/EUSIPCO.2015.7362434 Google Scholar
Designing good estimators for low sample sizes: Random matrix theory in array processing applications
European Signal Processing Conference. Vol. 06-10-September-2004. pp. 205-208 January 2015.
Mestre X.
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AF relaying for FBMC signals
2014 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). January 2014.
Gregoratti, D, Mestre, X
10.1109/EuCNC.2014.6882625 Google Scholar
A parallel processing approach to filterbank multicarrier MIMO transmission under strong frequency selectivity
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. pp. 8078-8082 January 2014.
Mestre, X, Gregoratti, D
10.1109/ICASSP.2014.6855174 Google Scholar
Asymptotic analysis of Beamspace-MUSIC In the context of large arrays
Proceedings Of The Ieee Sensor Array And Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. pp. 469-472 January 2014.
Vallet, P, Mestre, X, Loubaton, P, Couillet, R
Google Scholar
Correlation test for high dimensional data with application to signal detection in sensor networks
European Signal Processing Conference. pp. 2165-2169 January 2014.
Mestre X., Vallet P., Hachem W.
Google Scholar
European Signal Processing Conference. pp. 2165-2169 January 2014.
Mestre, X, Vallet, P, Hachem, W
Google Scholar
Asymptotic analysis of beamspace-MUSIC in the context of large arrays
Proceedings of the IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. pp. 469-472 January 2014.
Vallet P., Mestre X., Loubaton P., Couillet R.
10.1109/SAM.2014.6882444 Google Scholar
An asymptotic approach to parallel equalization of filter bank based multicarrier signals
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 61. No. 14. pp. 3592-3606 January 2013.
Mestre, X, Majoral, M, Pfletschinger, S
10.1109/TSP.2013.2261297 Google Scholar
Finite-sample linear filter optimization in wireless communications and financial systems
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 61. No. 20. pp. 5014-5025 January 2013.
Zhang, MY, Rubio, F, Palomar, DP, Mestre, X
10.1109/TSP.2013.2277835 Google Scholar
Diversity analysis of randomized linear dispersion codes in a half-duplex amplify-and-forward multiple-relay system
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY. Vol. 59. No. 5. pp. 2936-2959 January 2013.
Mestre, X, Gregoratti, D
10.1109/TIT.2013.2242115 Google Scholar
A subspace estimator for fixed rank perturbations of largerandom matrices
JOURNAL OF MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS. Vol. 114. No. 1. pp. 427-447 January 2013.
Hachem, W, Loubaton, P, Mestre, X, Najim, J, Vallet, P
10.1016/j.jmva.2012.08.006 Google Scholar
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. pp. 3786-3790 January 2013.
Zhang, MY, Rubio, F, Palomar, DP, Mestre, X
Google Scholar
On the resolution probability of conditional and unconditional maximum likelihood DOA estimation
European Signal Processing Conference. January 2013.
Mestre X., Vallet P., Loubaton P.
Google Scholar
Performance Analysis and Optimal Selection of Large Minimum Variance Portfolios Under Estimation Risk
Rubio, F, Mestre, X, Palomar, DP
10.1109/JSTSP.2012.2202634 Google Scholar
A CLT on the SNR of Diagonally Loaded MVDR Filters
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 60. No. 8. pp. 4178-4195 August 2012.
Rubio, F, Mestre, X, Hachem, W
10.1109/TSP.2012.2197396 Google Scholar
Hachem, W, Loubaton, P, Mestre, X, Najim, J, Vallet, P
10.1142/S2010326311500067 Google Scholar
Improved Subspace Estimation for Multivariate Observations of High Dimension: The Deterministic Signals Case
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY. Vol. 58. No. 2. pp. 1043-1068 February 2012.
Vallet, P, Loubaton, P, Mestre, X
10.1109/TIT.2011.2173718 Google Scholar
Randomized Isometric Linear-Dispersion Space-Time Block Coding for the DF Relay Channel
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 60. No. 1. pp. 426-442 January 2012.
Gregoratti, D, Hachem, W, Mestre, X
10.1109/TSP.2011.2171685 Google Scholar
Characterization of the distortion of OFDM/OQAM modulations under frequency selective channels
European Signal Processing Conference. pp. 1598-1602 January 2012.
Mestre X., Sanchez-Fernandez M., Pascual-Iserte A.
Google Scholar
A CLT for the G-MUSIC DoA estimator
European Signal Processing Conference. pp. 2298-2302 January 2012.
Vallet P., Mestre X., Loubaton P.
Google Scholar
On the consistency of likelihood penalization methods in large sensor networks
Proceedings of the IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. pp. 109-112 January 2012.
Vallet P., Loubaton P., Mestre X.
10.1109/SAM.2012.6250441 Google Scholar
Improved estimation of the logarithm of the covariance matrix
Proceedings of the IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. pp. 377-380 January 2012.
Mestre X., Rubio F., Vallet P.
10.1109/SAM.2012.6250515 Google Scholar
Large-SNR Outage Analysis for the DF Relay Channel with Randomized Space-Time Block Coding
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 10. No. 7. pp. 2090-2100 July 2011.
Gregoratti, D, Mestre, X
10.1109/TWC.2011.050511.100338 Google Scholar
Spectral convergence for a general class of random matrices
STATISTICS & PROBABILITY LETTERS. Vol. 81. No. 5. pp. 592-602 May 2011.
Rubio, F, Mestre, X
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2011 Ieee Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (ssp). pp. 677-680 January 2011.
Mestre, X, Vallet, P, Loubaton, P, Hachem, W
10.1109/SSP.2011.5967792 Google Scholar
2011 Ieee Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (ssp). pp. 685-688 January 2011.
Vallet, P, Hachem, W, Loubaton, P, Mestre, X, Najim, J
10.1109/SSP.2011.5967794 Google Scholar
2011 Ieee Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (ssp). pp. 689-692 January 2011.
Vallet, P, Hachem, W, Loubaton, P, Mestre, X, Najim, J
10.1109/SSP.2011.5967795 Google Scholar
Orthogonal matrix precoding for relay networks
Iswpc 2010 - Ieee 5th International Symposium On Wireless Pervasive Computing 2010. pp. 540-545 January 2010.
Gregoratti D., Hachem W., Mestre X.
10.1109/ISWPC.2010.5483706 Google Scholar
Generalized Consistent Estimation on Low-Rank Krylov Subspaces of Arbitrarily High Dimension
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 57. No. 10. pp. 3787-3800 October 2009.
Rubio, F, Mestre, X
10.1109/TSP.2009.2025094 Google Scholar
Consistent Reduced-Rank LMMSE Estimation With a Limited Number of Samples per Observation Dimension
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 57. No. 8. pp. 2889-2902 August 2009.
Rubio, F, Mestre, X
10.1109/TSP.2009.2021500 Google Scholar
Impact of CSI on Distributed Space-Time Coding in Wireless Relay Networks
Kobayashi, M, Mestre, X
10.1109/TWC.2009.080379 Google Scholar
Random DS/CDMA for the Amplify and Forward Relay Channel
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Vol. 8. No. 2. pp. 1017-1027 February 2009.
Gregoratti, D, Mestre, X
10.1109/TWC.2009.080314 Google Scholar
Cooperative Communications in Wireless Networks
Cottatellucci, L, Mestre, X, Larsson, EG, Ribeiro, A
10.1155/2009/768314 Google Scholar
Decode and Forward Relays: Full Diversity with Randomized Distributed Space-Time Coding
2009 Ieee International Symposium On Information Theory, Vols 1- 4. pp. 503-507 January 2009.
Gregoratti, D, Mestre, X
10.1109/ISIT.2009.5205720 Google Scholar
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. pp. 2137-2140 January 2009.
Vallet, P, Loubaton, P, Mestre, X
10.1109/ICASSP.2009.4960039 Google Scholar
Diversity order for the amplify-and-forward multiple-relay channel with randomized distributed space-time coding
European Signal Processing Conference. pp. 140-144 January 2009.
Gregoratti D., Mestre X.
Google Scholar
Large system analysis of beamforming for MIMO systems with limited training
2009 International Conference On Ultra Modern Telecommunications And Workshops. January 2009.
Rubio F., Guot D., Honigt M.L., Mestre X.
10.1109/ICUMT.2009.5345479 Google Scholar
Diversity analysis of a randomized distributed space-time coding in an amplify and forward relay channel
Conference Record - International Conference on Communications. January 2009.
Gregoratti D., Mestre X.
10.1109/ICC.2009.5198941 Google Scholar
DoA estimation in the small-sample threshold region
Classical and Modern Direction-of-Arrival Estimation. January 2009.
Y. I. Abramovich, B. A. Johnson, X. Mestre
Google Scholar
Improved Estimation of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Covariance Matrices Using Their Sample Estimates
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY. Vol. 54. No. 11. pp. 5113-5129 November 2008.
Mestre, X
10.1109/TIT.2008.929938 Google Scholar
On the Asymptotic Behavior of the Sample Estimates of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Covariance Matrices
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 56. No. 11. pp. 5353-5368 November 2008.
Mestre, X
10.1109/TSP.2008.929662 Google Scholar
MUSIC, G-MUSIC, and maximum-likelihood performance breakdown
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 56. No. 8. pp. 3944-3958 August 2008.
Johnson, BA, Abramovich, YI, Mestre, X
10.1109/TSP.2008.921729 Google Scholar
Modified subspace algorithms for DoA estimation with large arrays
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 56. No. 2. pp. 598-614 February 2008.
Mestre, X, Lagunas, MA
10.1109/TSP.2007.907884 Google Scholar
2008 Ieee 9th Workshop On Signal Processing Advances In Wireless Communications, Vols 1 And 2. pp. 595-599 January 2008.
Gregoratti, D, Mestre, X
10.1109/SPAWC.2008.4641677 Google Scholar
On optimal training and beamforming in uncorrelated MIMO systems with feedback
Ciss 2008, The 42nd Annual Conference On Information Sciences And Systems. pp. 902-907 January 2008.
Rubio, F, Guo, DN, Honig, ML, Mestre, X
10.1109/CISS.2008.4558647 Google Scholar
Proceedings Of The Ieee Sensor Array And Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. pp. 405-409 January 2008.
Rubio, F, Mestre, X
Google Scholar
Generalized consistent robust Capon beamforming for arbitrarily large arrays
European Signal Processing Conference. January 2008.
Rubio F., Mestre X.
Google Scholar
On the estimation of the covariance eigenspectrum of array sample observations
Sam 2008 - 5th Ieee Sensor Array And Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. pp. 404-408 January 2008.
Rubio F., Mestre X.
10.1109/SAM.2008.4606900 Google Scholar
About asymptotic spectral efficiency in the DS/CDMA amplify and forward relay channel
3rd International Symposium On Wireless Pervasive Computing, Iswpc 2008, Proceedings. pp. 656-660 January 2008.
Gregoratti D., Mestre X.
10.1109/ISWPC.2008.4556291 Google Scholar
The role of subspace swap in MUSIC performance breakdown
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. pp. 2473-2476 January 2008.
Johnson B.A., Abramovich Y.I., Mestre X.
10.1109/ICASSP.2008.4518149 Google Scholar
The role of subspace swap in maximum likelihood estimation performance breakdown
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. pp. 2469-2472 January 2008.
Johnson B.A., Abramovich Y.I., Mestre X.
10.1109/ICASSP.2008.4518148 Google Scholar
Large system performance evaluation of the DS/CDMA relay channel using linear receivers
IEEE International Conference on Communications. pp. 701-706 January 2007.
Gregoratti, D, Mestre, X
10.1109/ICC.2007.120 Google Scholar
Performance breakdown in music, G-music and maximum likelihood estimation
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. Vol. 2. pp. 1049-1052 January 2007.
Abramovich, YI, Johnson, BA, Mestre, X
10.1109/ICASSP.2007.366419 Google Scholar
Asymptotic spectral efficiency analysis of the DS/CDM a amplify and forward relay channel
Conference Record Of The Forty-First Asilomar Conference On Signals, Systems & Computers, Vols 1-5. pp. 62-66 January 2007.
Gregoratti, D, Mestre, X
Google Scholar
Impact of CSI on distributed space-time coding in wireless relay networks
Conference Record Of The Forty-First Asilomar Conference On Signals, Systems & Computers, Vols 1-5. pp. 101-105 January 2007.
Kobayashi, M, Mestre, X
Google Scholar
Improved consistent estimation on Krylov subspaces
Conference Record Of The Forty-First Asilomar Conference On Signals, Systems & Computers, Vols 1-5. pp. 1267-1271 January 2007.
Rubio, F, Mestre, X
Google Scholar
Source power estimation for array processing applications under low sample size constraints
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. pp. 897- January 2007.
Mestre, X, Johnson, BA, Abramovich, YI
Google Scholar
Impact of CSI on distributed space-time coding in wireless relay networks
Conference Record of the Asilomar Conference on Signals Systems and Computers. pp. 101-105 January 2007.
Kobayashi M., Mestre X.
10.1109/ACSSC.2007.4487173 Google Scholar
Asymptotic spectral efficiency analysis of the DS/CDMA amplify and forward relay channel
Conference Record of the Asilomar Conference on Signals Systems and Computers. pp. 62-66 January 2007.
Gregoratti D., Mestre X.
10.1109/ACSSC.2007.4487165 Google Scholar
Improved consistent estimation on Krylov subspaces
Conference Record of the Asilomar Conference on Signals Systems and Computers. pp. 1267-1271 January 2007.
Rubio F., Mestre X.
10.1109/ACSSC.2007.4487429 Google Scholar
Finite sample size effect on minimum variance beamformers: Optimum diagonal loading factor for large arrays
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 54. No. 1. pp. 69-82 January 2006.
Mestre, X, Lagunas, MA
10.1109/TSP.2005.861052 Google Scholar
An improved subspace-based algorithm in the small sample size regime
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. Vol. 4. pp. 4743-4746 January 2006.
Mestre, X, Rubio, F
Google Scholar
On the design of practical reduced-rank DS-CDMA receivers
Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference (globecom). January 2006.
Rubio, F, Mestre, X
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Design of reduced-rank MVDR beamformers under finite sample-support
Proceedings Of The Ieee Sensor Array And Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. pp. 31- January 2006.
Rubio, F, Mestre, X
Google Scholar
Analysis of multi-stage receivers under finite sample-support
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. Vol. 4. pp. 4263-4266 January 2006.
Rubio, F, Mestre, X
Google Scholar
On the design of practical reduced-rank PS-CDMA receivers
Globecom - Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference. January 2006.
Rubio F., Mestre X.
10.1109/GLOCOM.2006.594 Google Scholar
Design of reduced-rank MVDR beamformers under finite sample-support
2006 Ieee Sensor Array And Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop Proceedings, Vols 1 And 2. pp. 31-35 January 2006.
Rubio F., Mestre X.
10.1109/SAM.2006.1677151 Google Scholar
Asymptotic performance of code-reference spatial filters for multicode DS/CDMA
International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP. Vol. V. pp. 817-820 January 2005.
Rubio, F, Mestre, X
10.1109/ICASSP.2005.1416429 Google Scholar
Robust power allocation techniques for MIMO systems under modulus channel knowledge at the transmitter
2005 Ieee 6th Workshop On Signal Processing Advances In Wireless Communications. pp. 690-694 January 2005.
Payaro, M, Mestre, X, Perez-Neira, A, Lagunas, MA
Google Scholar
Semi-blind ML channel estimation for MC-CDMA systems with code-multiplexed pilots
2005 Ieee 6th Workshop On Signal Processing Advances In Wireless Communications. pp. 720-724 January 2005.
Rubio, F, Mestre, X
Google Scholar
Diagonal Loading for Finite Sample Size Beamforming: An Asymptotic Approach
Robust Adaptive Beamforming. pp. 201-257 January 2005.
Mestre X., Lagunas M.A.
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Asymptotic performance evaluation of space-frequency MMSE filters for OFDM
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 52. No. 10. pp. 2895-2910 October 2004.
Mestre, X, Perez-Neira, AI
10.1109/TSP.2004.834338 Google Scholar
Optimum transmit architecture of a MIMO system under modulus channel knowledge at the transmitter
2004 Ieee Information Theory Workshop, Proceedings. pp. 418-422 January 2004.
Payaro, M, Mestre, X, Lagunas, MA
Google Scholar
Estimating the optimum loading factor against the finite sample size effect in minimum variance beamformers
Proceedings Of The Ieee Sensor Array And Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. pp. 357-361 January 2004.
Mestre, X, Lagunas, MA
Google Scholar
Estimating the optimum loading factor against the finite sample size effect in minimum variance beamformers
2004 Ieee Sensor Array And Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. pp. 357-361 January 2004.
Mestre X., Lagunas M.A.
Google Scholar
Ergodic capacity of a 2 × 2 MIMO system under phase uncertainty at the transmitter
Icecs 2004: 11th Ieee International Conference On Electronics, Circuits And Systems. pp. 85-88 January 2004.
Payaró M., Mestre X., Lagunas M.Á.
Google Scholar
Spatial filtering for pilot-aided WCDMA systems: A semi-blind subspace approach
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. Vol. 51. No. 10. pp. 2665-2678 October 2003.
Mestre, X, Fonollosa, JR
10.1109/TSP.2003.816864 Google Scholar
Capacity of MIMO channels: Asymptotic evaluation under correlated fading
Mestre, X, Fonollosa, JR, Pages-Zamora, A
10.1109/JSAC.2003.810352 Google Scholar
Effect of fading correlation on the asymptotic open-loop and closed-loop capacity of MIMO systems
2003 Ieee Information Theory Workshop, Proceedings. pp. 349-352 January 2003.
Mestre, X, Fonollosa, JR
10.1109/ITW.2003.1216765 Google Scholar
On diagonal loading for minimum variance beamformers
Proceedings Of The 3rd Ieee International Symposium On Signal Processing And Information Technology. pp. 459-462 January 2003.
Mestre X., Lagunas M.A.
10.1109/ISSPIT.2003.1341157 Google Scholar
Smart Antennas in Software Radio Base Stations
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. Vol. 40. pp. 78-86 July 2002.
A. Pérez-Neira, X. Mestre, J.R. Fonollosa
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ML Approaches to Channel Estimation for Pilot-aided Multi-rate DS/CDMA Systems
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. Vol. 50. pp. 696-709 March 2002.
X. Mestre, J.R. Fonollosa
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Two-stage Code Reference Beamformer for the reception of Frequency Hopping Modulated Signals
European Signal Processing Conference. Vol. 80. pp. 2623-2632 December 2000.
M. Nájar, X. Mestre, M. Á. Lagunas
Google Scholar
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