Xavier Artiga

Xavier Artiga | CTTC

Space and Resilient Communications and Systems (SRCOM)

Msc , Researcher

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00

Mr. Xavier Artiga obtained his “Ingeniero Superior” degree (equivalent to M.Sc.) in Telecommunications Engineering at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in July 2006. He joined CTTC in September 2007 as a Researcher. Prior this, he worked as a Management Analyst at Bearingpoint Consultants (November 2006- August 2007) and in 2002, he did an undergraduate training at Nokia Spain.

At CTTC, he has played the role of assisting the coordination of research consortiums in European and National funded projects such as H2020-SANSA and ELISA (TEC2014-59255-C3-1-R); as well of technical contributor in the field of antenna design in these and other European and National funded projects like FP7-BuNGee or TERESA (TEC2017-90093-C3-1-R). Besides, he has also technically contributed to several industrial contracts, including ESA projects like SATNEX IV (Work Item 4.5), and managed some of them like POLAR series projects. He was also largely involved in the in the development of the CTTC strategic ultrawideband Testbed ULAND. In the last years, he has developed strong skills for European proposal coordination and elaboration which translated in the co-coordination of at least one proposal each of the last 3 years. He is co-author of more than 20 scientific publications.

His current research interests include reflectarray and metasurface antennas, reconfigurable antennas and multiantenna and Massive MIMO systems for terrestrial and satellite systems. He is a regular reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation and IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters.

ORDCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9222-165X



Participation in 3 European projects (assuming large a set of coordination responsibilities in 1 of them, 3 National (Spanish) projects (assuming a large set of coordination responsibilities in 1 of them, 1 ESA contract (as a leader), 8 industrial contract (leading 6 of them), and 1 internal testbed (ending as a testbed responsible).

European projects

SANSA (H2020-ICT6-2014):

– Proposal leader
– Consortium coordination responsibilities such as: monitoring technical progress, risk analysis, solution of conflicts, crosscheck between technical progress and budget consumption, main author and editor of all progress reports (including mid-project and final report) and a technical Amendment sent to the CE, preparation and attendance to F2F meetings with and active role on technical coordination, coordination od the preparation of project reviews and attendance to reviews as Project Coordinator support, attendance to invited events for project dissemination like  5G architecture workshop or RUS cluster session, etc.
– Technical contributions corresponding to a simplified method for controlling reflectarray antennas based on a row-column control; multi-beam and nulling reflectarray and metasurface antennas; and array architectures for hybrid analog-digital beamforming.

GASP  (FET flagship pilot project-2011):
– Technical contributor in the field of antenna design for wearable sensors

BuNGee (ICT-FP7-2010)

– Technical contributions relative to the study of Massive MIMO array configurations and their simulation methods.

National projects

SENSORQ (Coincidente 2018)

– Technical contributions relative to integrated GPS-LORA steerable antenna design


– Technical contributions relative to solutions for complexity reduction in steerable metasurface antennas, impact of channel phase contributions in multicast precoding in satellite systems, extension of CASTLE® to mm-wave (array design and search of commercial front end components).


– Proposal co-leader
– Consortium coordination responsibilities such as coordinator, main author and editor of the mid-project and final project reports, as well as of the application for a project extension.
– Technical contributions in the fields of array topologies for Massive MIMO, and design of reflectarray and metasurface antennas.

ESA contracts

WORK ITEM 4.5 in SATNEX IV (Large scale multi-antenna systems over satellite)

– Proposal and study leader
– Technical contribution relative to the study of Massive MIMO over satellite and its comparison to multibeam precoding.
–  One week stay at ESA-ESTEC

Industrial contracts


– Proposal and project leader
– Technical contributions in the design of antennas for RFID readers


Proposal and project Task leader

– Technical contribution relative to a feasibility study for LEO satellite antennas

POLAR SERIES (1-2-3) (Thales Alenia Space, France)

– Proposal and project leader in POLAR2 and 3 and project leader at the last stages of POLAR1
– Technical contributions relative to de automatic design of reflectarray elements for reducing the crosspolarization.


– Project leader in the last stages
– Technical contribution relative to the study of electromagnetic compatibility problems in parking meters.


– Proposal and project leader
– Technical contribution to a feasibility study of a communication system for an energy supply kit.


– Technical contributions relative to benchmarking of commercial WSN nodes, and development of UVI and motion alarm sensors.

Internal testbeds

ULAND (Ultrawideband demonstrator)

– Progressive role from contributor to RF stages to testbed responsible
– Technical contributions relative to design and implementation of RF and AGC stages, debugging and measurement campaign, design of Kalman filters for improving accuracy, etc.


– Leader/co-leader in 3 European proposals at Consortium level (S3MUST H2020-ICT20-2019, CERSEI H2020-SPACE-2018, SANSA H2020-ICT6-2014), in 1 National proposal (ELISA RETOS 2014) , in 1 ESA contract ( SATNEX IV WI 4.5), and in 8 industrial offers (2 for a confidential RFID system supplier, 1 for a LEO satellite manufacturer, HISPASAT-LPA, POLAR2-3(Thales Alenia Space, France), PRE-ENLOG, M2MIMO (HIRP open).
– Co-technical manager role in QITOSA (H2020-SPACE-2020)
– Internal CTTC leader in MUST (H2020 ICT-09-2017)
– Technical contributions relative to the definition of tasks and the identification of SOA/BSOA in many proposals such as FREEBIE (H2020-ICT52-2020), MARTIAN (H2020-ICT52-2020), LAYERS (H2020-SPACE-2020), 5GULC (H2020 ICT-07-2017), TERESA (RETOS 2017), C3D (Leonardo BBVA), 5GBeamforming (HIRP open), etc.


– Author/co-author of 5 journals, 22 international conferences, 1 national conference and 1 book chapter.
– 199 citations
– h index: 8
– i10 index: 7


– X. Artiga, A. I. Pérez-Neira, “ Rellevance of MIMO”, Workshop at the 38th European Microwave Conference, Madrid, 2018
– A. Dowhuszko, M. Shaat, X. Artiga, and A. Pérez-Neira, “Access technologies integration to meet 5G and beyond requirements”, Visions for Future Communications Summit (VFCS), 2017
– Miguel Ángel Vázquez, Xavier Artiga, José Núñez, “Key Components for a hybrid backhaul system”, Networld2020 Annual Event and General Assembly 2016, Brussels-19/04/2016
– Xavier Artiga, José Núñez, “The SANSA network concept”, 5G PPP – 1st 5G Architecture Workshop, Brussels 06/04/2016
– Xavier Artiga, “Shared Access Terrestrial-Satellite Backhaul Network enabled by Smart Antennas”, Radio Access and Spectrum (RAS) Cluster Session, Brussels-01/03/2016


– ISWCS 2014 (Publicity chair)


– 5GPPP working group on spectrum


Non-invasive antenna sensor for dielectric material identification at a distance
MEASUREMENT. Vol. 224. January 2024.
Araujo, JAI, Llamas-Garro, I, Brito-Brito, Z, Mira, F, Artiga, X, de Melo, MT
10.1016/j.measurement.2023.113842 Google Scholar
5G new radio multiuser precoding in geostationary satellite networks
Artiga, X, Vazquez, MA
10.1002/sat.1515 Google Scholar
Wireless Sensor Node for Chemical Agent Detection
Chemosensors. Vol. 12. No. 9. January 2024.
Brito-Brito, Z, Velázquez-González, JS, Mira, F, Román-Villarroel, A, Artiga, X, Mishra, SK, Vázquez-Gallego, F, Kim, JM, Fontana, E, de Melo, MT, Llamas-Garro, I
10.3390/chemosensors12090185 Google Scholar
Performance Evaluation of Fractional Frequency Reuse in Multi-Beam Satellite System
. pp. 641-645 January 2024.
Shahid H., Vazquez M.A., Artiga X., Sanchez-Fernandez M., Callejas-Ramos A.
10.1109/SPAWC60668.2024.10694407 Google Scholar
Massive MIMO Channel Estimation using few parameters in sparse propagation environments
. January 2024.
Callejas-Ramos A., Sánchez-Fernández M., Artiga X., Vázquez M.A., Tulino A.
10.1109/VTC2024-Fall63153.2024.10757888 Google Scholar
AROMA3D:Towards Reliable B5G/6G Communications in 3D Network
EuCNC. June 2023.
Shaat, Musbah, Vázquez, Miguel Ángel, Henarejos, Pol, Artiga, Xavier
Google Scholar
Evaluation of New Radio Beam Management Framework for LEO Satellites
2023 Ieee Conference On Standards For Communications And Networking, Cscn 2023. pp. 241-246 January 2023.
Artiga X., Vazquez M.A.
10.1109/CSCN60443.2023.10453212 Google Scholar
5G New Radio Non-terrestrial Networks Multiuser Precoding
ASMS/SPSC2022 11th Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference and the 17th Signal Processing for Space Communications Workshop (ASMS/SPSC). January 2022.
Artiga, X., Vázquez, M.
10.1109/ASMS/SPSC55670.2022.9914781 Google Scholar
Circularly Polarized Dual-Band LoRa/GPS Antenna for a UAV-Assisted Hazardous Gas and Aerosol Sensor
Micromachines. Vol. 12. No. 4. April 2021.
Mira, F, Artiga, X, Llamas-Garro, I, Vázquez-Gallego, F, Velázquez-González, JS
10.3390/mi12040377 Google Scholar
Closed-form Multicast Precoding for Satellite Flexible Payloads
European Signal Processing Conference. Vol. 2021-August. pp. 910-914 January 2021.
Vázquez M.Á., Artiga X., Pérez-Neira A.I.
10.23919/EUSIPCO54536.2021.9616268 Google Scholar
Effects of channel phase in multibeam multicast satellite precoding systems
Advances In Communications Satellite Systems 2. Vol. 95. pp. 837-848 January 2020.
Artiga, Xavier, Angel Vazquez, Miguel
Google Scholar
Effects of channel phase in multibeam multicast satellite precoding systems
Iet Conference Publications. Vol. 2019. January 2019.
Artiga X., Vázquez M.Á.
10.1049/cp.2019.1271 Google Scholar
Row-Column Beam Steering Control of Reflectarray Antennas: Benefits and Drawbacks
IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS. Vol. 17. No. 2. pp. 271-274 January 2018.
Artiga, X
10.1109/LAWP.2017.2785864 Google Scholar
Shared access satellite-terrestrial reconfigurable backhaul network enabled by smart antennas at MmWave band
IEEE Network. Vol. 32. No. 5. pp. 46-53 January 2018.
Artiga X., Perez-Neira A., Baranda J., Lagunas E., Chatzinotas S., Zetik R., Gorski P., Ntougias K., Perez D., Ziaragkas G.
10.1109/MNET.2018.1800030 Google Scholar
Effects of Unit Cell Enlargement and 1-Bit Quantization in 5G Linear Metasurface Antennas
2018 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). pp. 177-181 January 2018.
Artiga X.
10.1109/EuCNC.2018.8442638 Google Scholar
Sidelobe Supression in Modulated Surface Reactance Antennas
2018 Ieee Antennas And Propagation Society International Symposium And Usnc/ursi National Radio Science Meeting, Apsursi 2018 - Proceedings. pp. 969-970 January 2018.
Artiga X.
10.1109/APUSNCURSINRSM.2018.8608276 Google Scholar
Row–Column Beam Steering Control of Reflectarray Antennas: Benefits and Drawbacks
IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS. Vol. 17. No. 2. pp. 271-274 January 2018.
X. Artiga
Google Scholar
Effects of Unit Cell Enlargement and 1-Bit Quantization in 5G Linear Metasurface Antennas
European Conference On Networks And Communications. pp. 177-181 January 2018.
Artiga, X
Google Scholar
Sidelobe Supression in Modulated Surface Reactance Antennas
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. pp. 969-970 January 2018.
Artiga, X
Google Scholar
Holographic design of arbitrary multi-beam leaky-wave antennas
Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium. Vol. 2017-November. pp. 2695-2699 January 2017.
Artiga, X, Mira, F
10.1109/PIERS-FALL.2017.8293594 Google Scholar
Spectrum sharing in hybrid terrestrial-satellite backhaul networks in the Ka band
2017 European Conference On Networks And Communications (eucnc). January 2017.
Artiga X., Vazquez M.A., Perez-Neira A., Tsinos C., Lagunas E., Chatzinotas S., Ramireddy V., Steinmetz C., Zetik R., Ntougias K., Ntaikos D., Papadias C.B.
10.1109/EuCNC.2017.7980751 Google Scholar
Null-steering reflectarrays for 5G backhaul networks limited by interference
2017 11th European Conference On Antennas And Propagation, Eucap 2017. pp. 439-442 January 2017.
Artiga X.
10.23919/EuCAP.2017.7928315 Google Scholar
Null-Steering Reflectarrays for 5G Backhaul Networks Limited by Interference
Proceedings Of The European Conference On Antennas And Propagation. pp. 439-442 January 2017.
Artiga, X
Google Scholar
Low-Cost Hybrid Analog-Digital Beamformer Evaluation in Spectrum Sharing Systems
Proceedings Of The European Conference On Antennas And Propagation. pp. 443-447 January 2017.
Vazquez, MA, Artiga, X, Perez-Neira, AI
Google Scholar
Spectrum Sharing in Hybrid Terrestrial-Satellite Backhaul Networks in the Ka Band
European Conference On Networks And Communications. January 2017.
Artiga, X, Vázquez, MA, Pérez-Neira, A, Tsinos, C, Lagunas, E, Chatzinotas, S, Ramireddy, V, Steinmetz, C, Zetik, R, Ntougias, K, Ntaikos, D, Papadias, CB
Google Scholar
Low-cost hybrid analog-digital beamformer evaluation in spectrum sharing systems
2017 11th European Conference On Antennas And Propagation, Eucap 2017. pp. 443-447 January 2017.
Vazquez M.A., Artiga X., Perez-Neira A.I.
10.23919/EuCAP.2017.7928302 Google Scholar
Hybrid Analog-Digital Transmit Beamforming for Spectrum Sharing Satellite-Terrestrial Systems
Ieee International Workshop On Signal Processing Advances In Wireless Communications. January 2016.
Vazquez, MA, Blanco, L, Artiga, X, Perez-Neira, A
Google Scholar
Terrestrial-Satellite Integration in Dynamic 5G Backhaul Networks The SANSA Project Solution
Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference and the Signal Processing for Space Communications Workshop. January 2016.
Artiga, X, Nunez-Martinez, J, Perez-Neira, A, Vela, GJL, Garcia, JMF, Ziaragkas, G
Google Scholar
Reflectarray cell for analog row-column beam scanning control
2016 10th European Conference On Antennas And Propagation, Eucap 2016. January 2016.
Artiga X.
10.1109/EuCAP.2016.7481610 Google Scholar
Hybrid analog-digital transmit beamforming for spectrum sharing satellite-terrestrial systems
2016 Ieee 17th International Workshop On Signal Processing Advances In Wireless Communications (spawc). Vol. 2016-August. January 2016.
Vazquez M.A., Blanco L., Artiga X., Perez-Neira A.
10.1109/SPAWC.2016.7536819 Google Scholar
Terrestrial-satellite integration in dynamic 5G backhaul networks
2016 8th Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference And The 14th Signal Processing For Space Communications Workshop (asms/spsc). January 2016.
Artiga X., Nunez-Martinez J., Perez-Neira A., Vela G.J.L., Garcia J.M.F., Ziaragkas G.
10.1109/ASMS-SPSC.2016.7601470 Google Scholar
Reflectarray Cell for Analog Row-Column Beam Scanning Control
Proceedings Of The European Conference On Antennas And Propagation. January 2016.
Artiga, X
Google Scholar
Full-Dimension MIMO arrays with large spacings between elements
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. Vol. 2015-October. pp. 794-795 January 2015.
Artiga, X
10.1109/APS.2015.7304784 Google Scholar
On the selection of radiating elements for compact indoor massive-multiple input multiple output base stations
IET MICROWAVES ANTENNAS & PROPAGATION. Vol. 8. No. 1. pp. 1-9 January 2014.
Artiga, X, Devillers, B, Perruisseau-Carrier, J
10.1049/iet-map.2013.0343 Google Scholar
Antenna Array Configurations for Massive MIMO Outdoor Base Stations
Proceedings Of The Ieee Sensor Array And Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. pp. 281-284 January 2014.
Artiga, X, Perruisseau-Carrier, J, Perez-Neira, AI
Google Scholar
Antenna array configurations for massive MIMO outdoor base stations
Proceedings of the IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. pp. 281-284 January 2014.
Artiga X., Perruisseau-Carrier J., Perez-Neira A.I.
10.1109/SAM.2014.6882396 Google Scholar
Control of the Cross-Polar Reflection Coefficients of Reflectarray Cells using Truncated Patches
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. pp. 1560-1561 January 2013.
Artiga, X, Perruisseau-Carrier, J, Bresciani, D, Legay, H
10.1109/APS.2013.6711439 Google Scholar
Polarimetric Control of Reflective Metasurfaces
Artiga, X, Bresciani, D, Legay, H, Perruisseau-Carrier, J
10.1109/LAWP.2012.2231045 Google Scholar
Mutual Coupling Effects in Multi-User Massive MIMO Base Stations
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. January 2012.
Artiga, X, Devillers, B, Perruisseau-Carrier, J
10.1109/APS.2012.6349354 Google Scholar
Halved Vivaldi Antenna With Reconfigurable Band Rejection
Artiga, X, Perruisseau-Carrier, J, Pardo-Carrera, P, Llamas-Garro, I, Brito-Brito, Z
10.1109/LAWP.2011.2108992 Google Scholar
Design of Vivaldi antennas with embedded reconfigurable stopband filter
Proceedings Of The 5th European Conference On Antennas And Propagation, Eucap 2011. pp. 2284-2288 January 2011.
Artiga X., Perruisseau-Carrier J., Pardo-Carrera P., Llamas-Garro I., Brito-Brito Z.
Google Scholar
Ultra-wideband testbed for 6.0-8.5 GHz ranging and low data rate communication
European Microwave Week 2009, Eumw 2009: Science, Progress And Quality At Radiofrequencies, Conference Proceedings - 6th European Radar Conference, Eurad 2009. pp. 358-361 January 2009.
Moragrega A., Artiga X., Gavrincea C., Ibars C., Navarro M., Najar M., Miskovsky P., Mira F., Di Renzo M.
Google Scholar
Flexible FPGA-DSP solution for an IR-UWB testbed
Proceedings - 2009 Ieee International Conference On Ultra-Wideband, Icuwb 2009. pp. 413-417 January 2009.
George G.C., Artiga X., Moragrega A., Ibars C., Di Renzo M.
10.1109/ICUWB.2009.5288795 Google Scholar
A Filter bank based ultra-wideband receiver front-end for ranging applications
Ieee Mtt-S International Microwave Workshop Series On Wireless Sensing, Local Positioning And Rfid, Proceedings, Imws 2009 - Croatia. January 2009.
Artiga X., Berenguer L.
10.1109/IMWS2.2009.5307886 Google Scholar
Researcher PO
Researcher R2
Researcher R2
Researcher R3