Guido Luzi


Geomatics (GM)

Phd , Researcher

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00


B.Sc. in Experimental Physiscs, University of Florence, 1986

Electronic Systems Engineering, University di Florence,2003


He has been involved in research activities concerning the application of spaceborne and terrestrial radar techniques since 1986.  During these more than three working decades, he dedicated to microwave remote sensing, active and passive, both in industrial and research institutions, aiming at the development and experimentation of microwave sensors. He took part in several international remote sensing campaigns organized by ESA and EC, as detailed below, and also national (Italian and Spanish) research contracts and projects. After a first period dedicated to the development of advanced Microwave technologies for Remote Sensing, working in public Research Foundations and Radar companies, he moved to University.  He worked with the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications of the University of Florence, and later with the Department of Earth Sciences of the same University, dealing with various applications from the monitoring of volcanic areas, to the development and experimentation of microwave sensors for the detection of vital signs, and Civil Engineering and Cultural Heritage applications. In 2010 he moved to the Institute of Geomatics, where he was involved in the design and experimentation of radar-based sensing techniques. As experimental researcher, he has often leading the design and implementation of prototypes: microwave radiometers, terrestrial Radar (see cited patents) and sensors for different applications (see papers). His research lines fit the CTTC strategic research of the division: Geophysical applications of microwave sensors and techniques, with emphasis in the observation of land surfaces through terrestrial and satellite microwave interferometry, and civil structures monitoring.

IPR contributions

Pieraccini, M., Luzi, G., and Atzeni, C. “Tecnica Radar Interferometrica per la misura dello stato vibrazionale di grandi struture” Dossier: 1862/2001. Country: Italy. Date:  13.04.2001
He is one of the PI of the CTTC Spin-off Geo-Kinesia


He authored and co-authored more than 70 peer reviewed papers in International Journals and more than 120 papers for Conference Proceedings of  International conferences. His present Bibliometric indexes (@20 July 2020) are:

Scholar: Num. citations 3825, H index: 34, i10-index 62.

Scopus: Num. citations 2525,  H index:28

He acts regularly as reviewers for the following journal: IEEE TRGS, IEEE GRSL, IEEE JSTAR, Remote Sensing, Sensors, International Journal of Remote sensing, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, ISPRS publications (International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing)

Recent Keynotes/invited presentations in international conferences

EuCap2019 Convenor
EuCap2020 Convenor
European Geoscience Union 2020 Conference  GI5.2 Terrestrial Radar Interferometry Applications in Geosciences Convenor

Lecturer at the 8 editions of the International course at CTTC: “Ground Based SAR for deformation Monitoring: data analysis”.

He is founder member of the Microwave Remote Sensing Centre which organizes every two years since 1988 The International Specialist meeting of Microwave Radiometry (mRAD) sponsored by IEEE, NASA ESA and other outstanding institutes linked to Space missions.






Participation in research projects


  1. GIMS. “Geodetic Integrated Monitoring System”. Coordinador: Geomatics Research & Development SRL. Programa: H2020-GALILEO-GSA-2017. Topic: GALILEO-3-2017. 262.685 €. 2017-2019. WP manager. Responsible of the Active Radar reflector design and implementation.
  2. MOMPA: (EFA295/19) 65% por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER – a través del Interreg V-A España, Francia, Andorra (POCTEFA 2014-2020).
  3. HEIMDALL:  Multi-hazard cooperative management tool for data exchange. Coordinator: DLR. Program H2020-SEC-2016-2017. Topic: SEC-01-DRS-2016. CTTC Budget: 261 125 €. PI and scientific responsible.
  4. APHORISM: Advanced procedures for volcanic and seismic monitoring. FP7-SPACE-2013-1, Project number: 606738. WP manager, PI and scientific responsible.
  5. GALAHAD: Advanced Remote Sensing Techniques for Glaciers, Avalanches and Landslides Hazard Mitigation. Specific Targeted Research Project of the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Commission, EU Project N. 018409 (2005–2008). UNIFI scientific responsible
  6. Use of a ground based SAR for the detection of structural deformations of civil structure. European Commission, DGXIII, Telematics for Libraries Programme Framework (January – December 1998). Use of a ground based SAR for the detection of structural deformations of civil structure.   Project N. (13691-1998-02 F1PCA ISP IT). Scientific responsible.
  7. MEDALUS: application of Microwave Remote Sensing for the Monitoring of the Degradation affected surface. Fourth Framework Programme of the European Commission, ENV4 CT95-0119 (1993–1995). Responsible for Microwave sensors data analysis.
  8. MAC91 Europe: airborne campaign performed with the AIRSAR-JPL funded by:  NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory JPL and Italian Space Agency ( 01.1991 –  12.1991). Responsible for the experimental campaign.
  9. EPOCH-RIVET: Microwave Remote Sensing as a support to soil Erosion Forecasting. Fifth Framework Programme of the European Commission, EC CT90-0027 (1989–1992). Responsible for Microwave Sensors data analysis.
  10. Study of improved methods for soil moisture content measurement by means of multi-band microwave radiometry. ESA/ESTEC (European Space Agency / European Space Research and Technology Centre) Contract n.7423/87/NL/JS (1988–1989). Responsible for the experimental campaign and data processing.
  11. AGRISCATT-87/88 Analysis of radar images over an agricultural test site. Funded by European Space Agency  (1987- 1988) Responsible for the experimental campaign

National (Italy)

  1. SAR.net2, Support to the national warning system, warning, rapid mapping and risk assessment in Stromboli. Funded by the Italian Home Office and Civil Protection (2008–2011). Responsible for Microwave sensors data analysis.
  2. Monitoring the Volcanic island Stromboli”. Funded by the National Institute of Geology and Vulcanology (2008 – 2010). Sviluppo e sperimentazione di un sensore a Microonde per il controllo remoto dei parametri vitali. Funded by the Italian Ministry of Research and University ( 2005-2007). Radar data analysis responsible.
  3. Sviluppo e impiego di innovative tecniche radar di introspezione muraria per la diagnosi di edifici storici e per la verifica degli interventi di recupero funded by the Italian Ministry of research and University (2002 – 2005). Radar data responsible.
  4. PARNASO (Patrimonio Artistico Nuove Tecnologie Applicate per lo Sviluppo e l’Occupazione). Funded by the Italian Ministry of research and University (2000 – 2003). Developer of radar prototypes.
  5. Sviluppo di un sistema automatico per la prevenzione dagli attacchi parassitari in viticoltura. Funded by Italian National Council for Research (CNR) Contact number: n. 9400391 CT12 ( 01/01/1994  – 31/12/1995). PI
  6. Metodologia per l’integrazione di immagini radar a alta risoluzione con dati forniti da sensori nel Visibile/Infrarosso  Italian National Council for Research (CNR) n. 9400927 CT11  (01/01/1994- 31/12/1995). PI.

National (Spain)

  1. CIUDEN: Monitorización de deformaciones durante el período de inyección mediante técnicas SAR. Programa de Almacenamiento Geológico de CO2. Funded by Fundación Ciudad de la Energía (CIUDEN) (2010 – 2012).
  2. XLIDE: Desarrollo de herramientas para el análisis de estabilidad en laderas con riesgo potencial sobre infraestructuras críticas. Sub-Programa INNPACTO. Funded by Spanish Ministry of  Science and Innovation (2008 – 2011)
  3. SAXA: Monitoraggio di frane di roccia e con interferometria SAR terrestre (Monitorització de despreniments de roques i esllavissades amb interferometria SAR terrestre) funded by Government of Catalonia  AGAUR (2010 CTP 00048). (2011 – 2012).
  4. New developments in geophysics and engineering applied to seismic risk assessment (NAGIARS). Funded by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (2012  – 2013). Coordinated by UPC . Responsible for Radar activities.
  5. HAPERISK: Desarrollo y aplicación de herramientas avanzadas para la evaluación, prevención y gestión del riesgo sísmico. Financied by MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA Y COMPETITIVIDAD Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia.(2017-2019). Coordinated by UPC . Responsible for Radar activities. Responsible for CTTC.
  6. POCRISC: proyecto del Programa de Cooperación Territorial INTERREG V-A España-França-Andorra [Fons FEDER POCTEFA EFA158 / 16]. El objetivo del proyecto POCRISC es fomentar una cultura comunitaria de los riesgos sísmicos en los Pirineos. (2019-2021). Coordinated by UPC . Responsible for Radar activities.
  7. DEMOS:Earth Observation project based on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data and Differential Interferometric SAR (DInSAR) techniques. Its general objective is taking full advantage of the monitoring opportunities offered by the ongoing Sentinel-1A and 1B SAR missions. The project includes two main types of DInSAR activities.

He promoted research agreements between CTTC and Universities/Reserach Centers.

He periodically dedicates to lectures/ invited talks and training (last three years)

  • Invited talk at the University of Vigo on 14 of January 2020 about the Use of radar in Civil Engineering within the SIRMA project workshop, within action 2 of WP5 in the SIRMA project financed by the Interreg Spain-Portugal program link to subsequent VIGO contract between CTTC- Univ. Vigo.
  • Master Course in Environmental Engineering Faculty of Engineering – Università Politecnica delle Marche – Ancona (Italy), two seminars on 12 and 13 December 2019:  1) SAR Interferometry for deformation monitoring: from satellite images to Ground Based systems applied to landslides and glaciers observations. 2) Microwave interferometry: a consolidated technique for estimating the dynamical behavior of civil structures. Also scheduled for  December 2020.
  • Lecture University di Pavia (Italy) 22 May 2020, 16.00 Virtual room: Radar monitoring natural environment: from landslides to snow
  • Erasmus Training program: two lectures University di Pavia (Italy) 4-5 June 2019, on: Introduction to Ground Based Radar Interferometry, a technique for a wide range of applications: from  snow monitoring to civil structures. University of Pavia
  • Lecture at the field course: Multi-risk assessment of alpine environment – the case study of northern piedmont (NW Italy) in Crodo (VB) from 10th to 13th July 2018 as part of the official didactic program of the PhD in Earth and Environmental Sciences of the University of Pavia.

Training (last 6 years)

    • Co-director PhD Jesús Soriano: “Contributions to Ebre Delta bays modelling with Sentinel imagery”. Ongoing.
    • Co-director PhD Esteban Esteban Cabrera Vélez (UPC): “Análisis de estructuras de hormigón y mampostería no reforzada: caracterización de la capacidad y daño sísmico”. Ongoing.
    • Co-director PhD Niccolò Dematteis (Univ. Pavia). “Network development of integrated remote sensing sensors for monitoring gravitational slope phenomena. PhD Design and Implementation Of Landslide Early Warning Systems. Pursued on 2020
    • Co-director PhD Emanuele Intrieri (Univ. Firenze). “Design and Implementation Of Landslide Early Warning Systems. Pursued on 2011
    • Co-Director TFM Roger Ferré Tenas, “Active Corner Reflector with Circularly Polarized Array Antennas to be used as a Transponder for Sentinel-1 Satellite (C-band)” Master’s degree in Applied Telecommunications and Engineering Management (MASTEAM) October, 24th 2018
    • Co_Director TFG Roger Ferré Tenas: Disseny i fabricació de dues antenes array amb polarització circular (horària i antihorària) 08 de juliol del 2016
    • Co Director TFG Andreu Blasco Coll: Development of a radar at 24 GHz for remote sensing applications  December, 18th 2014
    • Co-director TFG: Giuseppe Piacenza Univerità di Bari (Italy). “Caratterizzazione di Target acquisiti in differenti polarizzazioni tramite Radar Terrestre Ka-Band”. Tesi di laurea in Multidimensional Signal Processing.


Shoreline Extraction Methods from Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope Images
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 48. No. 1. pp. 1-7 January 2024.
Angelini R., Angelats E., Luzi G., Ribas F., Masiero A.
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-1-2024-1-2024 Google Scholar
Development of Methods for Satellite Shoreline Detection and Monitoring of Megacusp Undulations
Remote Sensing. Vol. 16. No. 23. January 2024.
Angelini R., Angelats E., Luzi G., Masiero A., Simarro G., Ribas F.
10.3390/rs16234553 Google Scholar
Dual Frequency Real Aperture Radar Monitoring of a Railway Bridge
EUROSTRUCT 2023:European Association on Quality Control of Bridges and Structures: Digital. September 2023.
Luzi, Guido, Palamà, Riccardo, Barros-González, Brais, Riveiro-Rodríguez, Belén Google Scholar
Stability Monitoring of Bridges via Dual Frequency Terrestrial Radar Measurements
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. pp. 876-884 January 2023.
Palamà R., Luzi G., Barros-González B., Riveiro-Rodríguez B., Breschi M.
10.1007/978-3-031-07258-1_88 Google Scholar
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 48. pp. 17-24 January 2023.
Angelini R., Angelats E., Luzi G., Ribas F., Masiero A., Mugnai F.
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-1-W1-2023-17-2023 Google Scholar
Remote Sensing Analysis of Geologic Hazards
Remote Sensing. Vol. 14. No. 19. October 2022.
Giordan, Daniele, Luzi, G., Monserrat, O., Dematteis, Niccolo
10.3390/rs14194818 Google Scholar
Design and Test of a Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna Array for a Sentinel-1 SAR Active Reflector with co-and cross-Polarization Capability
2022 16th European Conference On Antennas And Propagation, Eucap 2022. January 2022.
Perez F.M., Luzi G., Espin-Lopez P.
Google Scholar
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 43. pp. 263-270 January 2022.
Di Stefano F., Cuevas-Gonzalez M., Luzi G., Malinverni E.S.
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B3-2022-263-2022 Google Scholar
A low-cost active reflector and a passive corner reflector network for assisting landslide monitoring using multi-temporal InSAR
Remote Sensing Letters. Vol. 13. No. 11. pp. 1080-1089 January 2022.
Luzi G., Barra A., Gao Q., F.Espín-López P., Palamà R., Monserrat O., Crosetto M., Colell X.
10.1080/2150704X.2022.2122891 Google Scholar
Design and Test of a Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna Array for a Sentinel-1 SAR Active Reflector with co- and cross- Polarization Capability
Proceedings Of The European Conference On Antennas And Propagation. Vol. A. January 2022.
Perez, FM, Luzi, G, Espin-Lopez, P
Google Scholar
A low-cost active reflector for interferometric monitoring based on sentinel-1 sar images
SENSORS. Vol. 21. No. 6. pp. 1-21 January 2021.
Luzi, G, Espin-Lopez, PF, Mira, F., Monserrat, O, Crosetto, M
10.3390/s21062008 Google Scholar
International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium (igarss). Vol. 2021-July. pp. 1027-1030 January 2021.
Espín-López, P.F., Luzi, G., Palamà, R.
10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9553533 Google Scholar
DInSAR deformation measurement using active and passive reflectors
Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 11861. January 2021.
Luzi G., Espín-López P.F., Crosetto M., Monserrat O., Barra A., Gao Q.
10.1117/12.2600130 Google Scholar
Ground-based radar interferometry for monitoring the dynamic performance of a multitrack steel truss high-speed railway bridge
Remote Sensing. Vol. 12. No. 16. January 2020.
Huang, Q., Wang, Y., Luzi, G., Crosetto, M., Monserrat, O., Jiang, J., Zhao, H., Ding, Y.
10.3390/RS12162594 Google Scholar
Analysis of Ground Based SAR Images Acquired in A Small Urban Area Using Diverse Polarization Configurations
2020 Mediterranean And Middle-East Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium (m2garss). pp. 21-24 January 2020.
Luzi, G, Dematteis, N
10.1109/M2GARSS47143.2020.9105219 Google Scholar
Dynamic monitoring of a mid-rise building by real-aperture radar interferometer: Advantages and limitations
Remote Sensing. Vol. 12. No. 6. January 2020.
Alva, R.E., Pujades, L.G., González-Drigo, R., Luzi, G., Caselles, O., Pinzón, L.A.
10.3390/rs12061025 Google Scholar
Ground-based & spaceborne SAR interferometric techniques supporting the management of emergencies in the heimdall project
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 43. pp. 1685-1690 January 2020.
Navarro J.A., Luzi G., Monserrat O., Crosetto M.
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B3-2020-1685-2020 Google Scholar
Deformation monitoring using SAR interferometry and active and passive reflectors
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 43. pp. 287-292 January 2020.
Crosetto M., Luzi G., Monserrat O., Barra A., Cuevas-González M., Palamá R., Krishnakumar V., Wassie Y., Mirmazloumi S.M., Espín-López P., Crippa B.
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B3-2020-287-2020 Google Scholar
Above-ground biomass retrieval over tropical forests: A novel GNSS-R approach with CYGNSS
Remote Sensing. Vol. 12. No. 9. January 2020.
Carreno-Luengo, H., Luzi, G., Crosetto, M.
10.3390/RS12091368 Google Scholar
A Low Cost Active Corner Reflector to assist Snow Monitoring through Sentinel/1 images
14th European Conference On Antennas And Propagation, Eucap 2020. January 2020.
Luzi, G., Fernandez, E., Perez, F.M., Crosetto, M.
10.23919/EuCAP48036.2020.9135273 Google Scholar
A Low Cost Active Corner Reflector to assist Snow Monitoring through Sentinel/1 images
Proceedings Of The European Conference On Antennas And Propagation. January 2020.
Luzi, G, Fernandez, E, Perez, FM, Crosetto, M
Google Scholar
Ku Band Terrestrial Radar Observations by Means of Circular Polarized Antennas
Remote Sensing. Vol. 11. No. 3. February 2019.
Luzi, G, Dematteis, N
10.3390/rs11030270 Google Scholar
First evaluation of topography on GNSS-R: An empirical study based on a digital elevation model
Remote Sensing. Vol. 11. No. 21. January 2019.
Carreno-Luengo, H, Luzi, G, Crosetto, M
10.3390/rs11212556 Google Scholar
Assessment of post-earthquake damaged building with interferometric real aperture radar
Remote Sensing. Vol. 11. No. 23. January 2019.
Gonzalez-Drigo, R, Cabrera, E, Luzi, G, Pujades, LG, Vargas-Alzate, YF, Avila-Haro, J
10.3390/rs11232830 Google Scholar
Ground-based remote-sensing techniques for diagnosis of the current state and recent evolution of the Monte Perdido Glacier, Spanish Pyrenees
JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY. Vol. 65. No. 249. pp. 85-100 January 2019.
Lopez-Moreno, JI, Alonso-Gonzalez, E, Monserrat, O, Del Rio, LM, Otero, J, Lapazaran, J, Luzi, G, Dematteis, N, Serreta, A, Rico, I, Serrano-Canadas, E, Bartolome, M, Moreno, A, Buisan, S, Revuelto, J
10.1017/jog.2018.96 Google Scholar
A Circular Polarization patch array designed for a Sentinel-1 SAR transponder
Proceedings Of The European Conference On Antennas And Propagation. January 2019.
Luzi, G, Ferre, R, Perez, FM
Google Scholar
Study of subsidence monitoring in Nanjing City with small-baseline InSAR approach
GEOMATICS NATURAL HAZARDS & RISK. Vol. 10. No. 1. pp. 1412-1424 January 2019.
Qiu, ZW, Jiang, TC, Zhou, L, Wang, CX, Luzi, GD
10.1080/19475705.2019.1572660 Google Scholar
Effects of Rough Topography in GNSS-R: A Parametric Study Based on a Digital Elevation Model
2019 Ieee International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium (igarss 2019). pp. 8663-8666 January 2019.
Carreno-Luengo H., Luzi G., Crosetto M.
10.1109/IGARSS.2019.8898381 Google Scholar
Remote ambient vibration measurements with real-aperture radar to estimate buildings dynamic properties
COMPDYN Proceedings. Vol. 1. pp. 1797-1808 January 2019.
Alva R.E., González-Drigo J.R., Luzi G., Caselles O., Pu-Jades L.G., Vargas-Alzate Y.F., Pinzón L.A.
10.7712/120119.7037.18837 Google Scholar
Sensitivity of CyGNSS Bistatic Reflectivity and SMAP Microwave Radiometry Brightness Temperature to Geophysical Parameters over Land Surfaces
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. Vol. 12. No. 1. pp. 107-122 January 2019.
Carreno-Luengo, H, Luzi, G, Crosetto, M
10.1109/JSTARS.2018.2856588 Google Scholar
Ieee International Symposium On Geoscience And Remote Sensing Igarss. pp. 8676-8679 January 2019.
Carreno-Luengo, H, Luzi, G, Crosetto, M
10.1109/igarss.2019.8900213 Google Scholar
A Circular Polarization patch array designed for a Sentinel-1 SAR transponder
2019 13th European Conference On Antennas And Propagation (eucap). January 2019.
Luzi G., Ferre R., Perez F.M.
Google Scholar
4D surface kinematics monitoring through terrestrial radar interferometry and image cross-correlation coupling
Dematteis, N, Giordan, D, Zucca, F, Luzi, G, Allasia, P
10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2018.05.017 Google Scholar
Sensitivity of CyGNSS bistatic reflectivity and SMAP microwave brightness temperature to geophysical parameters over land surfaces
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. Vol. 12. No. 1. pp. 107-122 August 2018.
H. Carreno, G. Luzi, M. Crosetto
Google Scholar
Impact of the elevation angle on CYGNSS GNSS-R bistatic reflectivity as a function of effective surface roughness over land surfaces
Remote Sensing. Vol. 10. No. 11. January 2018.
Carreno-Luengo, H, Luzi, G, Crosetto, M
10.3390/rs10111749 Google Scholar
Satellite data to improve the knowledge of geohazards in World Heritage Sites
Remote Sensing. Vol. 10. No. 7. January 2018.
Pastonchi, L, Barra, A, Monserrat, O, Luzi, G, Solari, L, Tofani, V
10.3390/rs10070992 Google Scholar
Ieee International Symposium On Geoscience And Remote Sensing Igarss. pp. 2031-2034 January 2018.
Carreno-Luengo, H, Luzi, G, Crosetto, M
Google Scholar
Ieee International Symposium On Geoscience And Remote Sensing Igarss. pp. 1051-1054 January 2018.
Carreno-Luengo, H, Luzi, G, Crosetto, M
Google Scholar
An interferometric radar sensor for monitoring the vibrations of structures at short ranges
Luzi, G, Crosetto, M, Angelats, E, Fernandez, E
10.1051/matecconf/201814801005 Google Scholar
Using an Interferometric radar to assess post-earthquake damage status of an urban building: A case study
Luzi G., Gonzalez-Drigo R., Beneit L.P., Velez E.C., Vargas Y., Crosetto M., Parés E.
10.1088/1742-6596/1149/1/012024 Google Scholar
Terrestrial radar interferometry to monitor glaciers with complex atmospheric screen
Igarss 2018 - 2018 Ieee International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium. Vol. 2018-July. pp. 6243-6246 January 2018.
Luzi G., Dematteis N., Zucca F., Monserrat O., Giordan D., López-Moreno J.I.
10.1109/IGARSS.2018.8519008 Google Scholar
Ieee International Symposium On Geoscience And Remote Sensing Igarss. pp. 6243-6246 January 2018.
Luzi, G, Dematteis, N, Zucca, F, Monserrat, O, Giordan, D, López-Moreno, JI
Google Scholar
Geophysical relationship between cygnss gnss-r bistatic reflectivity and SMAP microwave radiometry brightness temperature over land surfaces
Igarss 2018 - 2018 Ieee International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium. Vol. 2018-July. pp. 2031-2034 January 2018.
Carreno-Luengo H., Luzi G., Crosetto M.
10.1109/IGARSS.2018.8519565 Google Scholar
Impact of the elevation angle on CyGNSS GNSS-R reflectivity over different scattering media over land and ocean
Igarss 2018 - 2018 Ieee International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium. Vol. 2018-July. pp. 1051-1054 January 2018.
Carreno-Luengo H., Luzi G., Crosetto M.
10.1109/IGARSS.2018.8519402 Google Scholar
Ground-based synthetic aperture radar interferometry for deformation monitoring: a case study at Geheyan Dam, China
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. Vol. 11. September 2017.
Huang, QH, Luzi, G, Monserrat, O, Crosetto, M
10.1117/1.JRS.11.036030 Google Scholar
Radar Interferometry for Monitoring the Vibration Characteristics of Buildings and Civil Structures: Recent Case Studies in Spain
SENSORS. Vol. 17. No. 4. April 2017.
Luzi, G, Crosetto, M, Fernández, E
10.3390/s17040669 Google Scholar
Sentinel-1 Data Analysis for Landslide Detection and Mapping: First Experiences in Italy and Spain
Advancing Culture Of Living With Landslides, Vol 3: Advances In Landslide Technology. pp. 201-208 January 2017.
Barra, A, Monserrat, O, Crosetto, M, Cuevas-Gonzalez, M, Devanthéry, N, Luzi, G, Crippa, B
10.1007/978-3-319-53487-9_23 Google Scholar
Radar interferometry as a tool for structural health monitoring: current situation and perspectives of the technique for the next decade
Life-Cycle Of Engineering Systems: Emphasis On Sustainable Civil Infrastructure. pp. 770-776 January 2017.
Luzi, G, Crosetto, M, Gentile, C
Google Scholar
Monitoring Alpine glacier surface deformations with GB-SAR
Remote Sensing Letters. Vol. 8. No. 10. pp. 947-956 January 2017.
Dematteis N., Luzi G., Giordan D., Zucca F., Allasia P.
10.1080/2150704X.2017.1335905 Google Scholar
Data processing and analysis tools based on ground-based synthetic aperture radar imagery
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 42. pp. 593-596 January 2017.
Crosetto M., Monserrat O., Luzi G., Devanthéry N., Cuevas-González M., Barra A.
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W7-593-2017 Google Scholar
A Ku band circularly polarized 2×2 microstrip antenna array for remote sensing applications
2017 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium - Italy, Aces 2017. January 2017.
Ferre R., Mira F., Luzi G., Mateu J., Kalialakis C.
10.23919/ROPACES.2017.7916407 Google Scholar
A Ku Band Circularly Polarized 2x2 Microstrip Antenna Array for Remote Sensing Applications
2017 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium - Italy, Aces 2017. January 2017.
Ferré, R, Mira, F, Luzi, G, Mateu, J, Kalialakis, C
Google Scholar
TXT-tool 2.039-3.3: Ground-based radar interferometry for landslide monitoring
Landslide Dynamics: Isdr-Icl Landslide Interactive Teaching Tools: Volume 1: Fundamentals, Mapping And Monitoring. pp. 287-295 January 2017.
Casagli N., Catani F., Del Ventisette C., Luzi G.
10.1007/978-3-319-57774-6_20 Google Scholar
Radar interferometry as a tool for structural health monitoring: Current situation and perspectives of the technique for the next decade
Life-Cycle Of Engineering Systems: Emphasis On Sustainable Civil Infrastructure - 5th International Symposium On Life-Cycle Engineering, Ialcce 2016. pp. 770-776 January 2017.
Luzi G., Crosetto M., Gentile C.
Google Scholar
Parametric Study of the Errors Obtained from the Measurement of the Oscillating Movement of a Bridge Using Image Processing
Ferrer, B, Mas, D, Garcia-Santos, JI, Luzi, G
10.1007/s10921-016-0372-6 Google Scholar
The Interferometric Use of Radar Sensors for the Urban Monitoring of Structural Vibrations and Surface Displacements
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. Vol. 9. No. 8. pp. 3761-3776 January 2016.
Montuori, A, Luzi, G, Bignami, C, Gaudiosi, I, Stramondo, S, Crosetto, M, Buongiorno, MF
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The validation activities of the aphorism EC 7FP project, aimed at post seismic damage mapping, through a combined use of EOS and ground data
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