CTTC participates in a joint demonstration with Huawei to demonstrate the feasibility of deploying an End-to-End management and control system for a Fixed-5G (F5G) network architecture composed of a packet-optical access & transport network segment to deploy a Cloud AR/VR gaming use-case. To demonstrate this use case, the target F5G network management domain will be integrated with an end-to-end service orchestrator and a cloud management domain, by deploying cross-domain user-driven end-to-end services with CAMARA services aligned with the ETSI Zero-touch Service Management (ZSM) architectures and principles.
The overall End-to-End service management and control architecture relies on ETSI F5G and ZSM Industry Standardisation Group. The management of the transport network and the compute resources are, respectively, managed through the ETSI TeraFlowSDN and ETSI OpenSourceMANO open-source projects.