Georgios Angelopoulos, Angelos Chatzimparmpas, Anestis Dalgkitsis and Georgios Theodoros Kalampokis are the last-course students from the Department of Engineering Informatics and ?elecommunications of the University of Western Macedonia (Greece) who visited the CTTC thanks to the Erasmus+ programme, the EU programme for education, training, youth and sport.
During their two months stay (June-July’17) at CTTC they worked in the framework of the IoTWORLD® testbed. David Pubill, IoTWORLD® coordinator, supervised them with the help of Jordi Serra, Luis Sanabria and Christos Verikoukis, researchers in the Communication Technologies Division (CTD).
The goals of this collaboration were on one hand improving the current sensor monitoring website, and on the other creating an APP for the IoTWORLD® testbed (with both Android and iOS versions).
The first task at hand was to get familiar with the old website, written in JavaScript, Jade, and Node.js. Such website suffered from several constrains and problems, such as an outdated user interface or a static architecture. Students solved such problems by developing a modern new user interface, optimized for mobile devices. Additionally, new tools were incorporated: an interactive map of sensors displaying the real-time data and the location at the two CTTC buildings, a responsive photo gallery with slideshow capabilities, among others.
Two relevant key aspects stand out as substantial improvements to the website. First, and enhanced back-end Manager that effectively allows administrators to incorporate new sensors, metrics, and/or figures into the website without any scripting required. And second, the display of IoTWORLD® sensor data using Grafana, an advanced analytics and monitoring open platform (see Figure 1).
Furthermore, students developed iOS and Android applications for the IoTWORLD® testbed using Apple Xcode and Android Studio, respectively. Both applications use the website’s server to pull data dynamically, and are able to display real-time graphs and sensor values. All tablet and smartphone screen sizes are supported. See Figure 2.
Link to the monitoring IoTWORLD® testbed website:

Figure 3: From front to back: Georgios Theodoros Kalampokis, Anestis Dalgkitsis, Angelos Chatzimparmpas and Georgios Angelopoulos