Weekly Seminar Series: “I-CUBE project”

19/09/2018 - 19/09/2018



I-CUBE project  has been funded by Inmarsat UK to analyze and evaluate the viability of using Ultra-Narrow-Band (UNB) systems in the return link of LEO constellations. This study has also included the characterization of the satellite channel, the description of the physical layer and the access scheme of a UNB communication system and the computation of system-level simulations in a representative environment. Especial emphasis has been given to the characterization of the Doppler effects, which include the Doppler shift and the Doppler rate, as well as their impact on the system performance and the synchronization procedure. The project outcome has been a system-level simulator that computes the number of users that can be detected for different traffic conditions and demodulation probabilities. In order to increase the throughput of the UNB system, it has been considered the capture effect. By doing so, it is possible to detect the desired user although it be interfered by another one of much lower power level. Finally, the study has also provided practical implementation aspects that arise in LEO communication systems. In this regard, most of the work has been devoted to investigate the frame detection as well as coarse and fine carrier frequency offset estimation.


Joan Bas (Barcelona, 1971) received the MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in 1998 and 2004 respectively. During the pursuit of his PhD, he was recipient of a 1998-2000 fellowship of the UPC’s Communication Signal Processing Group, and a 2000-2004 PhD scholarship granted by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology.From June 1998 to July 2004, he has been with UPC’s Communications Signal Processing Group, where he has worked first as associated professor and next as a Research Assistant. In March 2005 he joined to the Telecommunications Technological Center of Catalonia (CTTC), where he currently holds a position as a Senior Research Associate in the Array & Multi-Sensor (A&MS) department.He has been envolved in industrial projects (e.g. I-CUBE,SERP,MICRONSAT,MultAnt),, European funded ones (e.g. GREEN-T, DAVINCI, SANSA) and national public (e.g. PERSEO, JUNTOS, ELISA, TERESA) . Currently, his main research interests are: i) IoT devices over GEO and NGEO satellite communications, ii) Communication algorithms for achieving efficient hybrid-terrestrial 5G NR over satellite, and iii) Interference cancellation schemes for the spectrum sharing of IoT and non-IoT devices over satellite.

CTTC Auditorium / 10:00h