Last June 22nd, CTTC received the visit from La Salle. The purpose of the visit was to know the CTTC facilities and the IoTWORLD® testbed, as well as discussing future collaborations in the context of IOTICAT (Internet of Things Institute of Catalonia), the first European University R&D centre specializing in the Internet of the future.
Attendees of the meeting were (from left to right) :
Mr. Josep M. Piqué, Executive President, La Salle Technova Barcelona
Prof. Miguel Ángel Lagunas, Director, CTTC
Prof. Francesc Miralles, Academic Dean, La Salle
Dr. Juan Agustín Zaballos, R&D Area Director (Research Group in Internet Technologies & Storage), La Salle
Prof. Ana I. Pérez-Neira, Scientific Coordinator, CTTC
Mr. David Pubill, IoTWORLD testbed Coordinator, CTTC
Mr. Albert Sitjà, Director of IPR & Corporate Development, CTTC
Dr. Christos Verikoukis, Head of SMARTECH Department, CTTC
Dr. Jesús Alonso-Zárate, Head of M2M Department, CTTC