On July 1-4, 2024 CTTC will host in Castelldefels (Barcelona) INTERACT’s 5th Training School on “AI/ML for 6G Communication Networks (and Beyond)”.
The school will count with a number of renowned researchers and scientists, both from the industry and academia, as distinguished lecturers: Kaushik Chowdhury (Northeastern University), Carlo Fischione (KTH), Jakob Hoydis (NVIDIA), Mehdi Letafati (U. Oulu), Oriol Sallent (UPC), Phillip Stephan (U. Stuttgart), Alvaro Valcarce (Nokia), Carles Antón-Haro (CTTC).
The programme includes an introductory lecture to AI/ML, and other lectures on digital twins and Sionna, protocol learning; unique lessons learnt from experimental RF fingerprinting, waveform classification, open RAN, and vehicular networks; deep learning-aided physical layer Security, AI-powered open and secure edge architectures, among others.
The programme will also count with a student poster session, an AI/ML challenge, with prizes and awards for both activities; as well as a panel discussion.
- Registration fee: 190 €
- Registration extended deadline: June 14, 2024
- Website: https://interactca20120.org/5th-training-school/
Interested in attending? Register soon: click here
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