End-to-end NFV Orchestration with OSM was showcased at IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization. The demo showed the deployment and operation of virtual Network Functions in the full-fledged ADRENALINE Testbed Cloud Platform, which expands from the edge to the centralized cloud.
ETSI OpenSource MANO (OSM) was used in the testbed to deploy and handle a multi-site network service involving both edge and core Data Centers (DCs). Besides, the inter- and intra-DC connectivity is directly managed by a novel OSM WAN Infrastructure Manager (WIM) connector using the Transport API (TAPI) interface, thus completely abstracting the details of the underlying SDN controllers handling the programmability of the WAN network interconnecting the DCs.

This work is the result of a fruitful collaboration between both Open Source MANO (OSM) and TeraFlow SDN (TFS) Open Source projects at ETSI, which will continue in order to integrate TeraFlow SDN controller as one the available WIM connectors in OSM. The following video illustrates the demo.
Teraflow H2020 European project. https://www.teraflow-h2020.eu/ This work is partially funded by the EC through the EC/5GPPP TeraFlow PROJECT (101015857) and the “Grant RTI2018-099178-B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF A way of making Europe”.