CTTC is boosting the sustainability and energy efficiency of its infrastructures at different levels. From a research point of view, CTTC has recently launched a new research line in sustainable systems and solutions. This new line coversboth the research of new types of electronic sensors printed with organic and biodegradable materials as well as the expansion of one of CTTC’s computing platforms to include lightweight (brain-inspired and physics-informed) and distributed processing to optimize the efficiency of the platform and be able to deploy algorithms directly on its devices. This new research line will allow the integration of the new computing platform and the electronic sensors with the renovated building so that its processes, operations and energy efficiency can be further improved. This is a representative example of CTTC’s alignment with the RIS3 Strategy at European level which, among others, prioritizes transformative and responsible research and innovation.
Contact us: mwc25@cttc.es

Contact us: mwc25@cttc.es