ADRENALINE testbed ® – Experimental research testbed on high-performance and large-scale intelligent optical transport networks
The ADRENALINE testbed® is an SDN/NFV packet/optical transport network and edge/core cloud platform for end-to-end 5G and IoT services.
It allows researchers, system vendors and operators to evaluate, experimentally in conditions close to production systems, all aspects related to cloud computing in distributed environments with multiple geographically split data centers, while jointly managing storage, computing and networking resources, integrating all aspects involved in the processes of service and resource orchestration.
The main drivers behind the deployment and subsequent evolution of the ADRENALINE testbed can be summarized in:
1- New IoT and 5G services require the orchestration of heterogeneous resources in constrained-placement environments;
2- Network operators will deploy variable sized data-centers in different locations interconnected by transport networks and,
3- A common operational methodology regardless of data center size must be adopted in order to reduce OPEX, while allowing an automation in the provisioning of services and operation of the infrastructure, in line with and benefiting from the main softwarization trend.

In consequence, the design of ADRENALINE aims at capturing the main traits of an end-to-end network, including the different network segments as well as the availability of computing and storage resources.
The roadmap of the testbed is designed taking into account current research trends such as network disaggregation, advanced monitoring/ telemetry and the use of machine learning and data analytics for both improving optical transmission and network operation.
Regarding network segments, ADRENALINE spans the access and aggregation segments, the metro segment and the core segment and reflects the the fact that distributed data centers also span the overall infrastructure, having locations either close to the user or in central locations.