Optical Transmission and Subsystems Laboratory



The Optical Transmission and Subsystems laboratory is provided with Electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection for the raised floor carpet and for the workbenches, in order to perform experimental activities in a safe way for both researchers and equipment. In this lab, the experimental platform for Optical OFDM Systems (EOS) is deployed, acting as one of the platforms that integrate the ADRENALINE testbed®, showcasing the main innovations conceived during the execution of research projects and collaboration agreements, such as:

programmable multi-dimensional (multi-carrier, Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM), ultra-wide band (UWB), Polarization  Division  Multiplexing  (PDM), Space Division Multiplexing (SDM)) transmission  systems;  and  high-performance,  non-intrusive, flexible and cost-effective monitoring subsystems. Several devices of EOS platform (e.g., nested Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM) and driver, coherent receiver) and instruments (e.g., Optical Spectrum Analyzer (OSA), Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope (DPO), Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG)) are accessible from the control plane of ADRENALINE testbed®. In the central area of this laboratory, an optical table with passive vibration isolation is installed in order to deploy the experimental setups of different S-BVT architectures that are continuously being investigated.

25 Km of 19-core multi-core fiber (MCF)for SDM
Optical table and part of EOS platform equipment

A multi-axis optical fiber alignment station and a microscope were acquired  recently  in  order  to  connect  Photonic  Integrated Circuits (PIC) with the rest of the devices of the experimental setups. In the area where the optical table is located, there are some patch-panel of SMF fibers that are interconnecting the experimental setups of EOS platform with the ADRENALINE testbed® photonic network, which is placed in the Optical Networking and Systems Lab. Moreover, there is a dedicated area for design and development of prototypes (e.g., elements of whiteboxes, programmable remotely; optical transmission systems for experiments with EOS; opto-electronic front-ends for S-BVTs).

O/E front-end of S-BVT based on 25 Gb/s VCSELs
Prototype of Fiber-optic recirculating loop

Contact: labs.optical@cttc.cat