End: 30/09/2025
Funding: National
Status: On going
Navigation & Positioning (N&P)
Acronym: GNSS-FLEX
Call ID: RETOS 2021
Code: CPP2021-008648
All commercial GNSS receivers use proprietary technology based on application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) from one of only eight manufacturers of such chips. The strong technological dependence on these devices can lead to a series of problems and limitations, such as reliance on foreign technology, which, in the specific GNSS application domain, entails restrictions since it is considered a sensitive dual-use civil and military technology; supply chain issues affected by the global semiconductor shortage; lack of flexibility to adapt the receiver to the specific needs of the application; and significant obstacles to research on new GNSS techniques and applications due to the lack of information about the signal processing performed by the manufacturer. The main objective of GNSS-FLEX is the design and implementation of a national GNSS receiver that overcomes the aforementioned limitations and introduces new functionalities that are currently unavailable, achieving a sufficient level of technological maturity for commercialization as an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) product, ready for technology integrators.
This project is under the program “Proyectos en Colaboración Público-Privada 2021”
Reference: CPP2021-008648/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ Unión Europea NextGenerationEU/PRTR