The Catalonia Quantum Academy: building a solid educational base for the quantum future


Centre Tecnològic de Catalunya (CTTC) is one of the main members of this new platform that aims to promote internalization and mobility for students and researchers while attracting and retaining talent in Catalonia

As the world races to explore the future applications of quantum technologies, it is becoming increasingly reliant on a quantum-ready workforce both, in academia and in the future quantum industry. The launch of the Catalonia Quantum Academy (CQA), a collaborative platform that is the educational pillar of the Quantica- Mediterranean Valley of Quantum Science and Technologies  initiative of the Generalitat of Catalunya, will leverage the region’s internationally recognized expertise in Quantum Science and Technology (QST),  to strengthen education, training and potential to create impact on a global scale through scientific and technological innovations.   

This new training platform brings together Catalonia’s strong established quantum educational programs and new learning opportunities for students starting at the undergraduate level. CQA aims to promote internalization and mobility for students and researchers while attracting and retaining talent in Catalonia.  

Catalonia is home to a network of  universities and research centers that offer scientific and technical undergraduate and postgraduate education in the area QST across various domains. The CQA, will harness this broad experience  and expand it to meet the growing needs of quantum-oriented research and innovations. This is a proactive strategy financed by the Generalitat de Catalunya, investing in the future of Catalonia by developing young scientific and technological minds, attracting international talent, enabling mobility for students and researchers, and ensuring the relevance and competitivity of the region’s  higher educational system through synergies with industry.  

From the European Quantum Flagship to Quantum Spain and projects within the Complementarias framework, research centers and Universities in Catalonia are leading a surge of activities in QST and are positioned to participate as important partners  to share frontier knowledge with  students for careers in academia and/or industry. The research focus spans basic and applied topics, from theoretical and experimental perspectives across various domains. 

Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) is one of the main participants of the project, and CTTC researcher Michela Svaluto Moreolo is a member CQA Coordination Board.

The other institutions participating in this platform are the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO), coordinator of the project, Univeristat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), Institut de Física d’Altes Energies (IFAE), and I2CAT – The Internet Research Center.  

Actions supported by the CQA include:  

  • Scholarships and internships for students at the masters and undergraduate level 
  • Support for mobility of students and young researchers 
  • Visiting Scholar program 
  • Creation of a Career Development program 
  • Organization of schools and training and career development events 
  • Fostering of collaboration among the participating institutions