José Antonio Navarro

José Antonio Navarro | CTTC

Geomatics (GM)

Phd , Researcher

Phone: +34 93 645 29 00

BSc and MSc (Licentiate) in Computer Science, Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).
PhD in Computer Science, University of the Balearic Islands (UIB)
Member of the senior corps of cartographers of the autonomous government of Catalonia.
Member of the CTTC’s (Centre Tecnològic de Tecnologies de les Comunicacions) department Geodesy and Navigation (Geomatics Division).

José Navarro was born in Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain) in 1963. He holds a degree in Computer Science by the Technical University of Catalonia (1986) and a PhD in Computer Science by the University of the Balearic Islands (1999). He is a member of the senior corps of cartographers of the autonomous government of Catalonia. He is an expert on software engineering and mass production systems.

Since 1982 until 2000 he occupied several positions in the Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya (now Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya, ICGC), always as a member of the Geodesy unit. In this period he was involved in the design and implementation of several software systems targeted at the generation of digital terrain models, ortophotos or general bundle adjustment. He was the leader of the project Visual Factory Suite, a complete software suite for the mass production of ortophotos, featuring the possibility to design visually production workflows. This project was the starting point for his PhD work.

From January 2001 to December 2013 he worked at the now extinct Institut de Geomàtica as deputy director for information technologies. He actively participated in several research projects covering areas like general bundle adjustment, GPS differential corrections in web environments, mobile GNSS applications, sensor calibration, radiometric (image) correction, digital image processing, assessment of the navigation algorithms for satellites using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), GNSS / INS / EGNOS algorithms for UAVs, thermal cameras for search & rescue operations, simultaneous calibration of photogrammetric blocks plus LiDAR data, geometric terrain modelling, kinematic systems for the control of railway infrastructures, generation of basic information for the management of urban environments or management of natural resources.

Since the Institut de Geomàtica was merged with the Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) in January 2014, he has been working as a researcher in the Geodesy and Navigation Department (GEON) of the Geomatics Division. Since then he has been working on the inception, design and implementation of an integrated system targeted at facilitating the research in the field of kinematic geodesy, positioning and navigation (GEMMA). Such task involved the design (together with other members of the GEON department and a private company) and implementation of an abstraction to model observation data in the realm of GEMMA. He is responsible of the version of GEMMA that has been deployed as a CTTC’s testbed. He has also worked in the integration of a real-time navigation system for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) relying on the hybridization of GNSS and INS sensors and multiple GNSS antennas to determine the heading without having to resort to magnetometer sensors.

Concerning his main research line, the design and implementation of data models and algorithms for the efficient process of big volumes of data in Geomatics, he has been involved in the definition and implementation of data models for the applications making the GEMMA testbed (the ASTROLABE data model and library), in the efficient implementation of the methodologies targeted at the identification of active ground deformation areas, specially for the monitoring of railway infrastructures, although such methodologies may be applied to any kind of ground movements; he has also devised and implemented visualization tools for the analysis of ground deformation phenomena involving high data volumes as well as algorithms supporting parallel processing for the integration of sensor data in real time. He participated in the preparation of CTTC’s strategic plan.

He has been involved in several European projects, funded by grants from the European Comission (such as the Seventh Framework or H2020 programmes): SAVEMEDCOAST2, HEIMDALL, IOPES, UGeohaz, MOMIT, GINSEC, PERIGEO, ENCORE, CLOSE-SEARCH, COLiDar, GeoLandModels, GeoTRAM, GEODM, AUTORADCOR and UGEI. He participated also in the transference of the technology involving the software suite devoted to Persistent Scatterers Interferometry, created by the Remote Sensing department of the Geomatics Division. Since 2015 he has participated in the preparation of 13 proposals, being the promoter of five of them. He has participated in the organization of several international workshops, the most recent being the 2010, 2012 & 2016 editions of the ISPRS EuroCow as well as the IOPES users’ meeting in 2020.

His activity has always been clearly oriented to the execution of the projects in which he has been involved; consequently, his dissemination tasks have produced just 26 publications, two of these in international journals and the rest in international conferences. Finally, he directed a degree thesis back in 2017.

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Scientific papers 26: 3 journal, 23 international conferences
IPR / Technology transfer Transfer of the software in the
Persistent Scatterer Interferometry
in the Geo-Kinesia Spin-Off
Project participation at 6 EU projects
CTTC (since 2015)
Degree theses 1 supervised
Books (co-editor) Integrated Sensor Orientation: Theory,
Algorithms & Systems (co-editor with
I. Colomina). 1995, Wichmann Verlag.
Contribution to 20+
Courses and workshop Three editions of EuroCow
organization (2010 – 2012 – 2014)
First IOPES users’ meeting
IOPES, a new full-fledged approach to provide an end-to-end tracking system for emergency staff
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Vol. 100. January 2024.
Parés, ME, Angelats, E, Espín-López, PF, Navarro, JA, Munaretto, D, Salvador, J, Delgado, C, Olbrich, F, Martínez, A, Örn-Arnarson, G, Martín, D, Bachmann, J
10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.104180 Google Scholar
Assessing the Risks of Enhancing the Current Europe’s ADA Web Map with Ground Movement Classification Data
International Conference On Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications And Management, Gistam - Proceedings. pp. 195-202 January 2024.
Navarro J.A., Barra A., Cuevas-González M.
10.5220/0012720900003696 Google Scholar
The SAVEMEDCOASTS-2 webGIS: The Online Platform for Relative Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge Scenarios up to 2100 for the Mediterranean Coasts
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. Vol. 11. No. 11. November 2023.
Falciano A., Anzidei M., Greco M., Trivigno M.L., Vecchio A., Georgiadis C., Patias P., Crosetto M., Navarro J., Serpelloni E., Tolomei C., Martino G., Mancino G., Arbia F., Bignami C., Doumaz F.
10.3390/jmse11112071 Google Scholar
New Challenges in the Implementation and Exploitation of a Low-Cost Web Map of the Active Deformation Areas Across Europe
International Conference On Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications And Management, Gistam - Proceedings. Vol. 2023-April. pp. 192-199 January 2023.
Navarro J.A., García D., Crosetto M.
10.5220/0011964500003473 Google Scholar
Automatic Ground Deformation Detection from European Ground Motion Service Products
International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium (igarss). Vol. 2023-July. pp. 8190-8193 January 2023.
Palama R., Cuevas-Gonzalez M., Barra A., Gao Q., Shahbazi S., Navarro J.A., Monserrat O., Crosetto M.
10.1109/IGARSS52108.2023.10281998 Google Scholar
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 48. pp. 1229-1234 January 2023.
Crosetto M., Shahbazi S., Cuevas-González M., Navarro J., Mróz M.
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-1-W2-2023-1229-2023 Google Scholar
Classification of ground deformation using sentinel-1 persistent scatterer interferometry time series
GISCIENCE & REMOTE SENSING. Vol. 59. No. 1. pp. 374-392 January 2022.
Mirmazloumi, SM, Wassie, Y, Navarro, JA, Palama, R, Krishnakumar, V, Barra, A, Cuevas-Gonzalez, M, Crosetto, M, Monserrat, O
10.1080/15481603.2022.2030535 Google Scholar
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 43. pp. 313-320 January 2022.
Navarro, JA, Garcia, D, Crosetto, M, Monserrat, O
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B3-2022-313-2022 Google Scholar
Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms for Ground Motion Time Series Classification from InSAR Data
Remote Sensing. Vol. 14. No. 15. January 2022.
Mirmazloumi, SM, Gambin, AF, Palama, R, Crosetto, M, Wassie, Y, Navarro, JA, Barra, A, Monserrat, O
10.3390/rs14153821 Google Scholar
Application of ADAtools tools for InSAR based ground displacement map analysis: the coast of Granada
Proceedings Of The International Conference On Natural Hazards And Infrastructure. January 2022.
Monserrat O., Cuevas-González M., Barra A., Navarro J.A., Solari L., Reyes-Carmona C., Mateos R.M., Sarro R., Martínez-Corbella M., Luque J.A., Béjar-Pizarro M., Galve J.P., Cantalejo M., Peña E., Azañón J.M., Millares A.
Google Scholar
An In-house, Self-developed Low-cost WebGIS Relying on Open-source and Self-made Tools to Show the Active Deformation Areas across Europe
International Conference On Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications And Management, Gistam - Proceedings. pp. 99-106 January 2022.
Navarro J.A., García D., Crosetto M.
10.5220/0011026400003185 Google Scholar
Combining Satellite InSAR, Slope Units and Finite Element Modeling for Stability Analysis in Mining Waste Disposal Areas
Remote Sensing. Vol. 13. No. 10. May 2021.
Lopez-Vinielles, J, Fernandez-Merodo, JA, Ezquerro, P, Garcia-Davalillo, JC, Sarro, R, Reyes-Carmona, C, Barra, A, Navarro, JA, Krishnakumar, V, Alvioli, M, Herrera, G
10.3390/rs13102008 Google Scholar
Using tailored graphical tools to improve the quality of displacement maps at CTTC: The vetools
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 43. pp. 163-169 January 2021.
Navarro J.A., Barra A., Monserrat O., Crosetto M.
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B3-2021-163-2021 Google Scholar
Ground Movement Classification Using Statistical Tests over Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Time Series
Mirmazloumi S.M., Wassie Y., Navarro J.A., Palamà, R., Crosetto M., Monserrat O.
10.1016/j.procs.2021.11.068 Google Scholar
Performance analysis of the iopes seamless indoor-outdoor positioning approach
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 43. pp. 229-235 January 2021.
Angelats E., Espín-López P.F., Navarro J.A., Parés M.E.
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B4-2021-229-2021 Google Scholar
ADAtools: Automatic detection and classification of active deformation areas from PSI displacement maps
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. Vol. 9. No. 10. January 2020.
Navarro, J.A., Tomás, R., Barra, A., Pagán, J.I., Reyes-Carmona, C., Solari, L., Vinielles, J.L., Falco, S., Crosetto, M.
10.3390/ijgi9100584 Google Scholar
Towards seamless indoor-outdoor positioning: The iopes project approach
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 43. pp. 313-320 January 2020.
Angelats E., Navarro J.A., Parés E.
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B4-2020-313-2020 Google Scholar
Ground-based & spaceborne SAR interferometric techniques supporting the management of emergencies in the heimdall project
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 43. pp. 1685-1690 January 2020.
Navarro J.A., Luzi G., Monserrat O., Crosetto M.
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B3-2020-1685-2020 Google Scholar
Semi-Automatic Identification and Pre-Screening of Geological–Geotechnical Deformational Processes Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Datasets
Remote Sensing. Vol. 11. No. 14. July 2019.
R. Tomás, J. Ignacio Pagán, J. A. Navarro, M. Cano, J. Luis Pastor, A. Riquelme, M. Cuevas-González, M. Crosetto, A. Barra, O. Monserrat, J. M. López-Sánchez, A. Ramón, S. Iborra, M. del Soldato, L. Solari, S. Bianchini, F. Raspini, F. Novali, A. Ferreti, M. Constantini, F. Trillo, G. Herrera, N. Casagli
Google Scholar
Semi-automatic identification and pre-screening of geological-geotechnical deformational processes using persistent scatterer interferometry datasets
Remote Sensing. Vol. 11. No. 14. January 2019.
Tomas, R, Pagan, JI, Navarro, JA, Cano, M, Pastor, JL, Riquelme, A, Cuevas-Gonzalez, M, Crosetto, M, Barra, A, Monserrat, O, Lopez-Sanchez, JM, Ramon, A, Ivorra, S, Del Soldato, M, Solari, L, Bianchini, S, Raspini, F, Novali, F, Ferretti, A, Costantini, M, Trillo, F, Herrera, G, Casagli, N
10.3390/rs11141675 Google Scholar
A toolset to detect and classify active deformation areas using interferometric SAR data
Proceedings Of The 5th International Conference On Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications And Management (gistam 2019). pp. 167-174 January 2019.
Navarro, JA, Cuevas, M, Tomas, R, Barra, A, Crosetto, M
10.5220/0007617701670174 Google Scholar
A concept for fast indoor mapping and positioning in post-disaster scenarios
Gistam 2018 - Proceedings Of The 4th International Conference On Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications And Management. Vol. 2018-March. pp. 274-281 January 2018.
Angelats E., Navarro J.A.
10.5220/0006780102740281 Google Scholar
ASTROLABE: A Rigorous, Geodetic-Oriented Data Model for Trajectory Determination Systems
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. Vol. 6. No. 4. April 2017.
Navarro J.A., Parés M.E., Colomina I., Blázquez M.
10.3390/ijgi6040098 Google Scholar
A generic, extensible data model for trajectory determination systems
Gistam: Proceedings Of The 3rd International Conference On Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications And Management. pp. 17-25 January 2017.
Navarro, JA, Pares, ME, Colomina, I, Blazquez, M
10.5220/0006258400170025 Google Scholar
First Experiences with Google Earth Engine
Gistam: Proceedings Of The 3rd International Conference On Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications And Management. pp. 250-255 January 2017.
Navarro, JA
10.5220/0006352702500255 Google Scholar
Towards a fast, low-cost indoor mapping and positioning system for civil protection and emergency teams
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 42. pp. 9-15 January 2017.
Angelats E., Navarro J.A.
10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W8-9-2017 Google Scholar
Navarro, JA, Pares, ME, Colomina, I
10.5194/isprs-annals-III-3-433-2016 Google Scholar
A multi-antenna approach for UAV's attitude determination
2015 2nd Ieee International Workshop On Metrology For Aerospace (metroaerospace). pp. 401-405 January 2015.
Consoli, A, Ayadi, J, Gameiro, A, Bianchi, G, Pluchino, S, Tsetsos, V, Sekkas, O, Gatsos, T, Piazza, F, Baddour, R, Navoni, R, Pares, ME, Navarro, J, Colomina, I
10.1109/MetroAeroSpace.2015.7180690 Google Scholar
A redundant GNSS-Ins low-cost UAV navigation solution for professional applications
GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2023, VOL. 48-1. Vol. 40. pp. 299-306 January 2015.
Navarro, J, Pares, ME, Colomina, I, Bianchi, G, Pluchino, S, Baddour, R, Consoli, A, Ayadi, J, Gameiro, A, Sekkas, O, Tsetsos, V, Gatsos, T, Navoni, R
10.5194/isprsarchives-XL-3-W3-299-2015 Google Scholar
On the generation of realistic simulated inertial measurements
2015 Dgon Inertial Sensors And Systems Symposium (iss). January 2015.
Pares, ME, Navarro, JA, Colomina, I
10.1109/InertialSensors.2015.7314268 Google Scholar
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