Weekly Seminar: “BATS: Network Coding in Action”

11/07/2016 - 11/07/2016

ABSTRACT: Network coding can significantly improve the transmission rate of communication networks with packet loss compared with routing. However, using network coding usually incurs higher computational and storage costs in the network devices and terminals. For example, some network coding schemes require the computational and/or storage capabilities of an intermediate network node to increase linearly with the number of packets for transmission, making them difficult to be implemented in a router-like device that has only constant computational and storage capabilities.
In this talk, we introduce BATS code, which enables a digital fountain approach to resolve the above issue. BATS code is a coding scheme that consists of an outer code and an inner code.  The outer code is a matrix generalization of a fountain code.  It works with the inner code which comprises random linear coding at the intermediate network nodes.  BATS codes preserve such desirable properties of fountain codes as ratelessness and low encoding/decoding complexity. The computational and storage capabilities of the intermediate network nodes required for applying BATS codes are independent of the number of packets for transmission. It has been verified theoretically for certain special cases and demonstrated numerically for general cases that BATS codes can achieve rates very close to optimality.
SPEAKER: Raymond W. Yeung received the BS, MEng and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from Cornell University in 1984, 1985, and 1988, respectively. He joined AT&T Bell Laboratories in 1988. Since 1991 he has been with The Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he is currently a Choh-Ming Li Professor of Information Engineering. Since 2010, he has been serving as Co-Director of the Institute of Network Coding. He is the author of the books A First Course in Information Theory (Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2002) and Information Theory and Network Coding (Springer 2008), which have been adopted by over 100 institutions around the world. In spring 2014, he gave the first MOOC in the world on information theory that reached over 25,000 students. His research interest is in information theory and network coding. He was a consultant in a project of Jet Propulsion Laboratory for salvaging the malfunctioning Galileo Spacecraft.

Professor Yeung is a member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Information Theory Society from 1999 to 2001. He has served on the committees of a number of information theory symposiums and workshops. He was the General Chair of the First Workshop on Network, Coding, and Applications (NetCod 2005), a Technical Co-Chair of the 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, a Technical Co-Chair of the 2006 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Chengdu, and a General Co-Chair of the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory.
He was a recipient of the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship for 2000/01, the Best Paper Award (Communication Theory) of the 2004 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and System, the 2005 IEEE Information Theory Society Paper Award, and the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in 2007, and a recipient of the 2016 IEEE Eric E. Sumner Award. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.
CTTC/Auditorium at 15:00h